www.resistenze.org - people resistant - CHINA - 25/05/2003
American Lies about Tibet and the Dalai Lama.
Media business and officers continually offer the American version of the torment that Tibet was once an aggressor and destroyer of China. Personally I was fascinated by Tibetan Buddhism and the holiness of the Dalai Lama. I was also saddened by the oppression suffered by Tibetans because Chinese oppression. Well, as we say in our motto, I changed radically idea to tune to the truth. My conclusions are a deep dislike for the "Tibetan cause" (as Hollywood presents it) and the Dalai Lama.
As the face of any official, I have moved in search of an alternative truth. I was not sure of finding one, but I wanted to see if the "martyrdom" of Tibet is so unique as the Americans would have you believe. I wanted to see if the Chinese can be considered as "aggressors" in Tibet continue to occur as the media associated with Washington and London. This research is done in the name of the only principle that characterizes me: the search for truth. And I found some disturbing things ...
Centuries of attacks, killings, bombings, murders, wars by Western to the Chinese people are not part of this article, but worth at least point to point out that no "Western" can talk about Chinese aggression to anyone without first talking to torture, humiliation, pillage, extermination by the West against the "Japs." We close here the brackets on which maybe write an article.
Western imperialism is continually endeavoring to promote the secession of Tibet from China. Even some left in good faith becomes the spokesman (along with the media empire) of this subordinate position or lack of knowledge. Which brings us to the facts.
Chinese sovereignty over Tibet has behind it centuries of history. Tibet is Chinese territory from the time that did not exist in Europe's nation states. The first to challenge Chinese sovereignty over Tibet have been the advocates of imperialism UK. (A) (2)
As mentioned in a history book Asian (any), attempts to destroy Chinese sovereignty over Tibet are the result of a policy aimed at "dismantling of China." (3)
not just the Chinese Communists to consider Tibet part of China. Sun Yat-sen, first President of the Republic created by the overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty, was convinced. When the British asked him to participate actively in the First World War to China in order to recover the territories that Germany had torn, he replied: "You would tear Tibet." (4)
Before the Cold War, Washington acknowledged that Tibet was territory China. As late as 1949 the U.S. State Department published a book on US-China relations with a map that showed all of China, including Tibet then. (5)
However, with the advance of the Chinese Communist Party and then the closer we get to the power of a clear anti-imperialist mass party, Washington began to manipulate reality. The beginnings of this manipulation can be traced in a letter dated January 13, 1947 the U.S. President Truman by George R. Merrell, U.S. charge d'affaires in New Delhi. The letter concerned the "inestimable strategic importance" of Tibet and stated: "Tibet can therefore be regarded as a bastion against the expansion of communism in Asia or at least as an island of conservatism in a sea of \u200b\u200bpolitical turmoil. " He added that "the Tibetan Plateau [...] in time of war missile can be the most important territory in Asia" .
These details are taken from an American author for decades CIA official. The author shows how the contents of this letter is almost fits together with the imperialist vision that had once engaged in Victorian England "great game" of the expansion in Asia. (6)
The Tibetan separatism becomes a tool of American imperialism, or better, to put it as the CIA official, becomes a tool of "U.S. geopolitical interests" to force the new Communist government of Mao to disperse forces, lays the conditions for a "regime change in Beijing " .
To fulfill these "U.S. geopolitical interests," were trained "fighters" in Colorado and then parachuted into Tibet and are supplied by air weapons, ammunition, radio transmitting equipment, etc.. These guerrillas, the CIA adds "collaboration Khampa bandits of old-fashioned . (7) In
this context, develops the "Tibetan uprising" of 1959.
's still a CIA official, Knaus, to tell the facts: the revolt was in response to a failed attempt by the U.S. secret services of provoking unrest in China from the Philippines, said as a member of the CIA, the outbreak of the revolt had "little to do with the help of the Tibetans" , because the aim was to embarrass the "Chinese Communists". It was the same logic that the U.S. secret services used in Indonesia for "help the Colonels Indonesian rebels in their effort to overthrow Sukarno" , Guilty of being too tolerant of the Communists in that country. (8) As is known the coup will be completed by the CIA in 1965, the massacre of hundreds of thousands of common or tolerant of the Communists. Would have been less ferocious forces trained and financed by the CIA in Tibet if he won separatism? (9)
I think it's interesting to know that he was an agent of the CIA to organize the escape of the Dalai Lama from Tibet: This agent later lived in Laos "in a house decorated with a crown of ears torn from the heads of Communists dead As we learn from an American teacher on a U.S. magazine. (10) After the failure
in the Chinese territory of the Tibetan uprising, the U.S. Secret Service to initiate a media campaign in the West.
Although the Dalai Lama was considered in the same way butchers colonels in Indonesia, as the leader of the revolt reactionary anti-communist pro-western, is now being sanctified. Become the leader of nonviolence. The same Tibetan Buddhism becomes a sublime spiritual doctrine and technique. The American film industry constantly strives to bring this false myth.
But history has precedents. When the early twentieth century the British and Russia vying for Tibet, a region of China, it was rumored that the Czar himself had converted to Buddhism. (11)
Today, however, are the CIA and Hollywood to be converted to Buddhism. A conversion that a miracle when you consider that the West has always despised the Tibetan Buddhism as synonymous with Oriental despotism, with his figure of God-King. Suffice it to recall the contempt of the fathers of Western culture as Rousseau, Herder and Hegel. Until the early 1900's lamas are considered an "incarnation of all vices and all the corruptions, not of the deceased lama." (12)
When Britain set about the conquest of Tibet, then he did on behalf of civilization against "the last bastion of obscurantism" to civilize "the little people miserable." (13)
Today, the American propaganda tries to remove the shame of the Tibetan theocracy. As illustrated in the same historic Morris, the one who was in charge at the beginning of '900 "Dalai Lama was one of the few to have come of age, since most of them were eliminated during childhood according to the convenience of Council of Regency. " (14)
According to Hollywood and the CIA say, Tibetan Buddhism has become synonymous with peace and tolerance, as well as high spirituality. Following the anti-imperialist ideology of Western "Tibetans and Chinese are the supermen of the subhuman." (15)
The obscurantist theocracy in Tibet is sanctified by the commercial media in the service of American military strategists. The caste structure is manifested even after death: the body of an aristocrat is cremated or buried, while the bodies of the mass data are fed to vultures. Not long ago it was the 'International Herald Tribune "that described how during the funeral of priest who was the plebeian piece by piece, peeled the flesh from the bones to facilitate the work of vultures.
The description was detailed and followed by a scholar who explained everything in a "green". (16) The scholar is not clear, however, because the ecological balance would help only the body of the plebeians.
Let me clarify my position: I do not condemn these inhuman practices because I might be victim of my Italian culture, I should be condemning them to a Tibetan, for each culture. I condemn the fact that the Western imperialists support it practical for us so inhuman, bloodthirsty bear movements as Tibetan Buddhism and are ready to come up with any worst canard (much less inhuman) on fake crimes of Cuba, Saddam, Beijing and all opponents, except the reaction sanctify absolute.
Mao's Cultural Revolution was unleashed against caste practice, discriminatory and violent. In Tibet prior to the Revolution reduced the theocracy in slavery or servitude, the vast majority of the population. As he wrote a radically anti-communist writer, the reforms implemented since 1951 have "abolished feudalism and serfdom" . (17) The Revolution also abolished the theocracy embodied in the God-King who claimed and still claims to be the Dalai Lama. It was implemented the separation between religious authority and civil power.
Revolution meant for Tibetans access to human rights before the unknown, an improvement in living standards and a significant increase of average life. And this is despite media universally recognized by all the expert analysts of the region.
China's Tibet Autonomous Region today guarantees the freedom that has never known in all its past and recent history. The Tibetan region, in addition to the bilingual first language Tibetan sees guaranteed other rights which the national preference in favor of the Tibetans and other national minorities for admission to the university, career public, and so on. (18)
The holy Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Prize. But what does he ask this person who claims to be God-King? "requires the creation of a Great Tibet, which includes not only the territory which constituted the political in contemporary Tibet, but Tibetan areas in western China from Tibet in large part lost already in the eighteenth century. " (19) And then there are Tibetans in Bhutan, Nepal, India. All their territories should be part of Greater Tibet. This is the pretext for Hitler to reunite in the same state all the territories that were inhabited by German majority. The principle of "national" of the Dalai Lama is to Hitler, the only difference being that of National Socialism, the Dalai Lama has not even a shred of "socialism." It 's just pure jingoism at the highest levels.
Now, this holiness, the Nobel Prize for Peace, deeply hate the men who have yellow skin and speak Chinese. A visceral hatred, racist, so that, when India proceeded with nuclear arms, he found his most proud supporter of the Nobel Prize, the Dalai Lama.
But, we wonder, at least the multi-Dalai Lama is the Tibetan people? Answer: No way! It 's even the "Black Book of Communism" to recognize that elementary historical analysis "destroys the myth of unanimity powered by the partisans of the Dalai Lama." (20)
the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951, which led to the fall theocratic regime, there was a fierce resistance of the most reactionary and privileged classes, but the Communists could count on the support of the overwhelming majority of the civilian population. The authors of the planet anticinesi and more anti-West as they rant against the Tibetan populace, guilty of "having connected immediately with the Communist regime", even the monks are thugs who "do not hesitate to hope that 'soon be freed' the Tibet and who commit the crime of fraternizing with the communist People's Liberation army.
For these authors, it is inconceivable how the Dalai Lama not to be despised only by most of the people, but also by large sections of religious Tibetans. Even in 1992, during a trip to London on Dalai Lama is the subject of hostile demonstrations by the largest Buddhist organization in Britain, accuses him of being a "ruthless dictator" and an "oppressor of religious freedom ". (21)
Today, the Dalai Lama continues to wish for the disintegration of China as happened in the tragedy that characterized the Soviet Union. (22)
Michele - Rising
The information in this article were obtained by Domenico Losurdo, "The left, China and imperialism", ed. The City of the Sun, Naples.
His work is essential information on the subject.
(1) Owen Lattimore, 1970, "The frontier. People and imperialism on the border between China and Russia ", Einaudi, Torino.
(2) Jacques Fernet, 1978, "The Chinese world. From early civilizations to the People's Republic ", Einaudi, Torino.
(3) Jan Romein, 1969, "The Century of Asia. Western imperialism and Asian revolution in the twentieth century ", Einaudi, Torino.
(4) Sun Yat-sen, 1976, "Imperialism of whites and yellows and imperialism", in "The Three Principles of the People", Einaudi, Torino.
(5) Herbert Aptheker, 1977, "American Foreign Policy and The Cold War" (1962), Krauss Reprint Millwood, NY
(6) John Kenneth Knaus, 1999, "Orphans of the Cold War. American and the Tibetan Struggle for Survival, "PublicAffairs, NY
(7) As above.
(8) Same as above.
(9) Domenico Losurdo, 1999, "The left, China and imperialism," City of the Sun, Naples.
(10) Daniel Wikler, 1999, "The Dalai Lama and the CIA", in "The New York Review of Books, Sept. 23.
(11) James Morris, 1992, "Pax Britannica", The Folio Society, London.
(12) Donald S. Lopez Jr., 1998, "Prisoners of Shangri - La. Tibetan Buddhism and the West," University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
(13) See footnote 11.
(14) As above.
(15) See note 12.
(16) Seth Faison, 1999, "In Tibean 'Sky Burials,' Vultures Dispose of the Dead", in "International Herald Tribune, July 6.
(17) Melvyn C. Goldstein, 1998, "The Dalai Lama's Dilemma", the "Foreign Affairs, January-February.
(18) Seth Faison, 1999, "for Tibetans in Sichuan, Life in the Shadow of Intollerance", in "International Herald Tribune, September 1.
(19) See note 17.
(20) Courtois et al., 1998, "The Black Book of Communism," Mondaori, Milan.
(21) See note 12.
(22) See note 17.
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