Saturday, February 27, 2010

Match Pewter San Francisco

Gemelas y punishment are three rules: balance, simplicity, clarity

In my memory -
worked during the day and attending an evening course in graphic -
is still alive the image of a professor:
was a man no longer young, informed
with an open smile and friendly
as we wore jeans and sweaters colored.
During the lessons sat between ;
our desks and we design and color,
not on the board or behind the chair.
His ideas reached us in direct contact:
balance, simplicity and clarity
were his teachings,
theoretical and practical for life and for graphics.
work on our sketches,
improving them, stood beside us,
strictly according to our business.
Her dowry was spending so:
its exact transformation stretch our designs
that suddenly became special designs.
communicate directly with us and taught us,
tract after tract, his knowledge.

(Joan Miro - Ballerina II)

"What we have done graphs? We started dall'autodidattismo
to prepare an efficient teaching. From our early momentum
poor T ECHNICAL necessary to offer students a set
good technical without making them lose the necessary enthusiasm. "
Albe Steiner, The Craft graph, Einaudi, Torino, 1978


Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Does A Scorpio Man Act Like When In Love?

colored dreams of children

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fredericton Hair Extensions

"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible eyes pout. "Tilly

At that the fox appeared .
"Good morning," said the fox.
"Good morning," the little prince responded politely, turned around but saw no one.
"I'm here," the voice said, "under the apple tree .."
"Who are you," asked the little prince. "You're very cute ..."
"I am a fox," said the fox.
"Come play with me," proposed the little prince, "I am so sad .."
"I can not play with you," said the fox, "I am not tamed."
"Oh, excuse me," said the little prince.
But after a moment's reflection he added:
"What do you mean, 'tame'?"
"You're not from these parts, thou," said the fox, "What are you looking?"
"I am looking for men," said the little prince. "What does 'tame'?"
"Men," the fox said, "They have guns and hunt. It's very boring! Also raise chickens. It is their sole interest. You looking for chickens?"
"No," said the little prince. "I am looking for friends. What do you mean 'tame'?"
"It's too often neglected. Means 'to create ties' .."
"To establish ties?"
"Sure," said the fox. "You, so far, for me, you're not a boy like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I need you. And you have no need of me. I'm not for just a fox like a hundred thousand foxes. But if you tame me, we shall need each other. You will be unique in the world to me, and I shall be unique to you. "
" I am beginning to understand, "said the little prince." There is a flower .. I think she has tamed .. "
" It's possible, "said the fox." It happens all the Earth .. "
" Oh! is not on Earth, "said the little prince.
The fox seemed perplexed.
" On another planet? "
" Yes "
" Are there hunters on this planet? "
" No. "
" This I interesting! Are there chickens? "
" No. "
" Nothing is perfect, "sighed the fox.
But the fox returned to his idea
" The My life is monotonous. I hunt chickens, and men hunt me. All chickens are just alike, and all men are alike. And I'm so bored. But if you tame me, my life will be as enlightened. Know the sound of steps that will be different from everyone else. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me out of my burrow like music. And then, look! Look, over there, after all, the wheat fields? I do not eat bread, and wheat, for me, is useless. The wheat fields say nothing to me. And this is sad! But you have hair the color of gold. Then it will be wonderful when you have tamed me. The wheat, which is golden, I will thinking of you. And love the sound of wind in the wheat .. "
The fox paused and looked long at the little prince
" Please .. tame, "he said.
" Willingly, "replied the little prince," but do not have much time, though. I have friends to discover, and learn many things. "
" One only understands the things that one tames, "said the fox." Men have more time to learn anything. They buy things already made. But there is no shop with friends, men no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me! "
" What should I do? "Asked the little prince.
" We must be very patient, "said the fox." In First you will sit down a bit 'away from me, so the grass. I will keep you out of the corner of the eye and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. But every day you will sit a little 'closer .. "
The little prince came back the next day.
" It would be better to return at the same time, "said the fox." If you come, for example, every afternoon at four, three o'clock I shall begin to be happy. Over time increase my happiness. At four, I'll start to worrying and jumping about, find out the price of happiness! But if you come you do not know when, I'll never know what time to prepare my heart .. It takes the rites. "
"What is a rite?" Said the little prince.
"Although this is often neglected," said the fox. "That's what makes one day different from other days, one hour from other hours. There is a ritual, for example, among my hunters. On Thursday they dance with the girls of the village. So Thursday is a wonderful day! I far as the vineyards. if the hunters danced at just any day, would be like every day, and I would never stay. "
So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of departure drew near:
"Ah," said the fox, "I cry .."
"It's your fault," said the little prince "I do not want to hurt you, but you wanted me to tame you .."
"It's true," said the fox.
"But you cry!" Said the little prince.
"Certainly," said the fox.
"Then it for you?"
"It has done," said the fox, "the color of wheat."
Then he added:
'Go again at the roses. You will understand that yours is unique. Then come back to say goodbye, I'll give you a secret. "
The little prince went away again at the roses.
"You are not at all like my rose, yet you are nothing," he said. "No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one. You are like my fox. Not was only a fox like a hundred thousand others. But I have made my friend, and now he is unique in the world. "
And the roses were very uncomfortable.
" You are beautiful, but you are empty, "she said again." One can not die for you. Certainly, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you, but she, she alone is the most important of all you, because it is she that I have watered. Why is she that I sheltered behind the screen. Because for her that I killed the caterpillars (except the two or three for butterflies). Why is she that I have heard complaining or bragging, or even sometimes remain silent. Why is my rose. "
And he went back to the fox.
" Goodbye, "he said.
" Goodbye, "said the fox. "That's my secret. It is very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
"What is essential is invisible to the eyes," repeated the little prince to remember.
"It's the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
"It's the time I lost my rose .." whispered the little prince to remember.
"Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose .."
"I am responsible for my rose .." repeated the little prince to remember.

"The Little Prince" Antoine De Saint-Exupery - Chapter XXI

Friday, February 19, 2010

Itching After Gallblader

I found a cold December morning: I looked and realized that it was lying on his back to be caressed, a gesture who later repeated many times. He was there, a foxy bastard, hungry and dirty, long snout, golden eyes and tail moving. So I decided that would come with us. In his bed he spent a few nights of wood tied, barking. Then, the winter cold has played in his favor, we let her sleep at home.

We gave her a name, Tilly.

Always hungry, food and affection, he loved us right away, but realized that to stay with us would give up his freedom, and now has learned to obey. Born to run, suddenly left with just one click takes off her leash. Escaped, but returned after a few hours: I remember one night it rained, my despair, and his eyes filled with fear when the door opened, was there, soaking water, in the pouring rain.

Only once we have looked for hours, calling it to come back (later the vet would tell us that would come her puppies). Since then she has not tried to escape but every now and then, looking at her, I saw fields and horizons lost in his gaze away. Do not forget and is still struggling with his desire for freedom: one night, locked in a room in an attempt to open the door, the handle was colored red with the blood came out of the legs.

The memories come alone, writing.

words help define the contours of our memory: the hot summer afternoons, the ants on the floor in the rough, the games with our youngest daughter, a sudden leap to catch a butterfly, silent stillness in front of a pack of wild dogs in the park, its close to our small footprints in the snow, the days spent waiting for the muzzle resting on my legs for hours in the winter evening.

One spring day, the front door, we noticed his sudden thinness: a few months after he left us. When we saw that we were finally wrapped in a warm blanket in her arms and crying, we have together - caressing and talking - to its end, without pain and cradled our words of affection. The night before we had given his favorite food.

I imagine running, free, Tilly.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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educazione alla critica

True education should be a lesson to criticism. Up to ten years (Now maybe even earlier), the child may repeat again, "said the mistress, the mother said." Why? Because, by nature, who loves the child puts in his bag on his back, what better life he lived, what they chose a better life. But at some point, nature gives the child, who was a child, the instinct to take the sack to put it before the eyes (in greek we say pro-ball, hence the Italian "problem") . Must therefore become a problem that we have spoken! If you do not become the problem, will never mature and leave it irrationally or unreasonably held. Carried the bag before our eyes, we rummaged inside. Also in greek, this "rummage inside" says krinein, krisis, from which "critical". The criticism, therefore, is to give an account of things, not necessarily a negative sense. So the young man rummages in the bag with this criticism and compares what he sees in it, that is what he put on his back to the tradition, with the desires of his heart: the ultimate criterion of opinion, when it is in us, otherwise we alienated. And the ultimate criterion, which is in each one of us is the same: You need a true, beautiful, good. Within or across all conceivable differences with which the imagination can play on these requirements, they are basically identical in the move, even if different connotations for different circumstances experience. Our insistence on education is critical: our children receive from the past through this experience he encounters, which suggests that past and gives him the reasons, but he must get past this and these reasons, putting it before our eyes, to compare with your heart and say, "is true ',' not true ',' doubt '. And so, with the help of a company (this company no man is too much at the mercy of the storms of her heart, not good and instinctive sense of the term) can say 'Yes' or 'No'. In so doing, takes his appearance of a man. We have been too afraid of this criticism, really. Or those who have not been afraid, he applied without knowing what it was, has not applied well. The criticism has been reduced to negativity, for that reason that a problem is one thing that was said. I'll tell you one thing: put a question mark on this thing, ask: "is it true?" Has become equal to doubt it. The identity between the problem and doubt is the disaster of the consciousness of youth. Doubt is the completion of an investigation (temporary or not, I do not know), but the problem is the call to understand what I have before, to discover a new good, a new truth, that is satisfaction in getting a more charged and more mature. Without one of these factors: tradition, lived in this offering and gives the reasons, critics - like to thank my father used to ask me the reasons for each what, when, every night before going to sleep, I kept saying: 'You gotta ask why. Ask yourself why "(he said for many other reasons!) - The frail young leaf is far from your branch (" Where you go? "Said Leopardi), a victim of the prevailing wind, its changeability, the victim of a ' general public opinion created by the real power. We want - and this is our purpose - to liberate the young: to free young people from mental slavery, from enslaving mentally approval of others.

"The Risk of Education" - Monsignor Luigi Giussani

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

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Affrontare the incertezze

" A new consciousness begins to emerge
: the human world, to put everywhere comparison with the uncertainties, is dragged to a new adventure. We must learn to deal with uncertainty. E 'for this reason that education must recognize the uncertainties related to the knowledge

"A new consciousness begins to emerge: man, faced with uncertainty on all sides, is carried into a new adventure. We must learn to deal with uncertainty, because we live in a time where values \u200b\u200bare changing ambivalent where everything is connected. Therefore, education of the future must return to the uncertainties of knowledge "

" Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future " - Chapter V: Dealing with uncertainties - Edgar Morin

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Cyrano de Bergerac, monologo Scena VIII

Come 'I should do? ...
looking for a protector, electing a man, and
dell'ellera in fashion, that the great elm guardian
caresses and licks the trunk bark,
climb instead of rising to power?
No, thanks! Dedicate, com 'uses every glutton,
verses financiers? Let the art of clown
just to finally see the lips of a powerful
hatch a benign smile and promising?
No, thanks! Fill of toads? The stomach to digest
strength of going and coming?
Eat knees? Measure the scale of others? Far
continuous miracles of agility back?
No, thanks! Stroking with clever and cunning hand
the goat and the cabbage and then watered with the other?
and always have the censer under another's chin
the divine joy of mutual incense?
No, thanks! Progress in the group round,
become a great man of fifty, with oars and sail
madrigals, and have good wind
to the sighs of the old witches?
No, thanks! Publish at a good editor.
paying, their own ways! No, thank you honor! Brig
to get elected pope in consistories
that the dives take place within the ciurmatori? Sudar
to make a name on a little sonnet
rather than writing another? Discovering talent
agl'incapaci elected, the silly, give wings to the moles, let
dismayed by the rumors of the newspapers?
And always sighing, praying with hands outstretched:
- Although my name appears in the Mercury French?
No, thanks! Calculate tremble all his life, rather
to a visit that turned a verse, write petitions
, be present here and there? ...
Thanks, no! no thanks! no thanks! Ma .. singing, dreaming
peaceful and joyous, free, independent,
keep an eye safe and powerful voice, like it felt when
get across,
for a yes, no, a fight or to do!
work without care of glory or luck,
to what is most pleasant journey to the moon! Nothing that has
meal other write, and then
modestly said: my boy, you can pay to keep
result, pay the flower, the leaf
while that in your garden, your, you will collect!
Then, if the triumph is for good luck or for art, not having
dame unto Caesar the smallest part,
have all the palm of the goal accomplished,
and, disdaining to be the parasitic ivy, though not the
as oak, or the large leafy linden
not climb too high, but climb without help!

Cyrano de Bergerac - Edmond Rostand - Translation of Mario Job


Wassilj Kandinsky, Composition VIII, 1923

Abstract art

offers images that do not mimic our reality, not represent

is how we perceive

and contents are freely interpreted and expressed

with the creation of new forms and colors.

Wassilj Kandinsky - Composition VIII - 1923

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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China unveils development plan for Tibet

Xinhua (1/23/10)
China unveils plan to develop Tibet
China has made plans to achieve leapfrog development and lasting stability in Tibet Autonomous Region in a bid to ensure China's development as a whole, according to a high-level meeting held this week.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and other senior leaders attending the fifth meeting on the work of Tibet, from Jan. 18 to 20, agreed that more efforts must be made to greatly improve living standards of the people in Tibet, as well as ethnic unity and stability.

In his speech, Hu attached great importance to the work of Tibet, saying it was a pressing task in carrying out the Scientific Outlook on Development, building a well-off society in an all-round way, establishing a national ecological protective screen and realizing sustainable development.

The work was also vital to ethnic unity, social stability and national security, as well as a favorable international environment, he added.

He urged all the Party members to further realize the strategic significance and pressing needs of the work of Tibet.

During the meeting, senior leaders also meted out plans to develop Tibetan-inhabited areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's policies towards Tibet in the new era were totally correct, suiting to national condition, Tibet's actual conditions and the fundamental interests of people of all ethnic groups in Tibet.

With the arduous endeavor made in the past 50 years, especially after the launch of reform and opening policy in 1978, Tibet became better off but still faced difficulties and challenges.

Hu said the principal contradiction for Tibet, as for the country as a whole, remained to be between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and the backwardness of social production.

However, Tibet faces a "special contradiction" between people of all ethnic groups and the separatist forces led by the Dalai clique, he said.

These contradictions had made leapfrog development and lasting stability major themes of the work of Tibet, he said

Hu said China would unswervingly adhere to and improve the Party's theories and policies towards nationalities, as well as the system of regional autonomy of ethnic groups in Tibet.

While vowing to take substantial measures to ensure "normal order of Tibetan Buddhism", Hu said the awareness of being part of the Chinese nation and being law-abiding citizens must be constantly enhanced among cadre and the masses in Tibet.

Hu asked to substantially prevent and strike "penetration and sabotage" by "Tibet independence" separatists, in order to safeguard social stability, socialist legal system, the fundamental interests of the public, national unity, and ethnic solidarity.

Tibet's development in next decade

At the conference, Hu outlined the guidelines for social and economic development of Tibet in the next decade.

He said by 2020 the per capita net income of farmers and herd people in Tibet should be close to the national level.

Tibet's capacity to provide public service and infrastructure must also be comparable to the nation's average by 2020, through more government investment and better management.

Hu said greater emphasis must be put on the improvement of the livelihood of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen, a better coordination of social-economic development, Tibet's capacity of self development, and environmental protection.

"Leapfrog development of Tibet actually means the combination of economic growth, well-off life, a healthy eco-environment, and social stability and progress," he said.

He stressed Tibet's significance in ensuring China's national security, and efforts in building the region into a strategic reserve of natural resources, an agricultural production base, a land with unique culture and a world-class tourism destination.

Hu said agriculture, animal husbandry, tourism, handicraft industry, and resource development would enjoy more support.

In order to further improve the livelihood of Tibetan people, more government budget will go to public services, such as education, medical services, telecommunication, and social security network that covers both urban and rural residents.

Other senior leaders attending the meeting included Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, He Guoqiang and Zhou Yongkang.

Premier Wen Jiabao said priorities should be given to people's livelihood, social services, infrastructure, industries with regional features and environmental protection.

Speaking of education, he said free education would be offered for all the children of farmers and herdsmen in primary schools and junior and senior high schools.

The central government would preserve the consistency and stability of favorable policies towards Tibet and further improve policy support and financial investment in the region.

Wen pledged more efforts to cultivate talents for the development of Tibet, and encouraged other parts of China to provide cadre, talents, technological and financial support for it.

Milestone for Tibet

Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said the meeting would surely become a milestone for Tibet's development.

He called on authorities at all levels to translate the essence of the meeting into concrete actions.

Since 2001, when the fourth meeting on the work of Tibet was held, Tibet had made notable achievements in economy, environmental protection, people's livelihood, among others, President Hu said.

Ethnic unity has been enhanced and major successes achieved in the fight against separatist activities, he added.

The central government has invested 310 billion yuan (about US$45.6 billion) in Tibet since 2001.

The investment aimed to solve the bottleneck problems of the region and was mainly used to develop agriculture, animal husbandry, infrastructure, science and technology, education, governmental facilities and environmental protection.

Tibet's GDP was expected to reach 43.7 billion yuan in 2009, up 170 percent from that in 2000 and posting an annual growth of 12.3 percent over the past nine years.

Tibet witnessed the fastest economic and social growth and most significant improvement of people's livelihood in the past nine years, said Jin Shixun, regional director of the Tibet Development and Reform Commission.