Sunday, February 14, 2010


Cyrano de Bergerac, monologo Scena VIII

Come 'I should do? ...
looking for a protector, electing a man, and
dell'ellera in fashion, that the great elm guardian
caresses and licks the trunk bark,
climb instead of rising to power?
No, thanks! Dedicate, com 'uses every glutton,
verses financiers? Let the art of clown
just to finally see the lips of a powerful
hatch a benign smile and promising?
No, thanks! Fill of toads? The stomach to digest
strength of going and coming?
Eat knees? Measure the scale of others? Far
continuous miracles of agility back?
No, thanks! Stroking with clever and cunning hand
the goat and the cabbage and then watered with the other?
and always have the censer under another's chin
the divine joy of mutual incense?
No, thanks! Progress in the group round,
become a great man of fifty, with oars and sail
madrigals, and have good wind
to the sighs of the old witches?
No, thanks! Publish at a good editor.
paying, their own ways! No, thank you honor! Brig
to get elected pope in consistories
that the dives take place within the ciurmatori? Sudar
to make a name on a little sonnet
rather than writing another? Discovering talent
agl'incapaci elected, the silly, give wings to the moles, let
dismayed by the rumors of the newspapers?
And always sighing, praying with hands outstretched:
- Although my name appears in the Mercury French?
No, thanks! Calculate tremble all his life, rather
to a visit that turned a verse, write petitions
, be present here and there? ...
Thanks, no! no thanks! no thanks! Ma .. singing, dreaming
peaceful and joyous, free, independent,
keep an eye safe and powerful voice, like it felt when
get across,
for a yes, no, a fight or to do!
work without care of glory or luck,
to what is most pleasant journey to the moon! Nothing that has
meal other write, and then
modestly said: my boy, you can pay to keep
result, pay the flower, the leaf
while that in your garden, your, you will collect!
Then, if the triumph is for good luck or for art, not having
dame unto Caesar the smallest part,
have all the palm of the goal accomplished,
and, disdaining to be the parasitic ivy, though not the
as oak, or the large leafy linden
not climb too high, but climb without help!

Cyrano de Bergerac - Edmond Rostand - Translation of Mario Job


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