Saturday, July 31, 2010

Milena Velba In Bra Petit


........ yes, has come for me time to say goodbye this year ..... no particular destination, but taking advantage of school holidays, to go to my parents a week and take my kids to enjoy the company of their grandparents (so precious, but for us it away!).
For those who do not know yet, I'm not in Turin, but of Genoa, although not very far away, quite inconvenient to transfer all the troops on a regular basis ... and so we expect to have some vacation days because he a way to organize the caravan!
I also wanted to apologize to all of you who have so assiduously always present, the publication of my lack of posts since the end ..... also "summer boys", with everyone at home was already extremely difficult to survive!!
August I hope to reserve something better, my return will be my husband on vacation and should be raised slightly more (he will touch the bogeyman !!!).
...... I just have to say goodbye, my dear friends ...... with a little sadness for so many days you have to stay away from the computer and then all of you (they are no longer able to live without! !), but will return soon and even if piecemeal, will come to see what will be invented!
I send them all a kiss and wish you a good continuation of the heart SUMMER !!!!!!!!


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