Thursday, September 23, 2010

Milena Velba The Letter Picturs

here are the pictures!!

I know that I repeat the same things ......" sorry for the delay ..... finally .... we are not dead but .....", is stronger than me ! The delay is an integral part of my life, I had to adapt to this model in spite of myself, trying to convince me that it is a disgrace ...... but the characteristic of those who exploit every moment of its existence, used with all his might !!!!! But you have a rough idea of \u200b\u200bhow a house can be reduced after a week of work and minimum essential and two days of absence with 5 different people who live in it? And so here I am, well after 4 days, to make the guide of market experience together with my fellow adventure LAURA . First I would like to thank you warmly, because you're nice and many in the greet me ..... I did not expect all this participation! Yours is a presence that has accompanied me even in times of distress related to the low turnout of people at the fair and the limited interest in the country painting. It 's true that the time was a tyrant, it is true that the position was not the best, it is even more true that we should present a lot of extra stuff that comes .......... all art! ! But the best thing these days, and certainly the incentive to repeat the experience, were the visits of three bloggers .... Marina (we already knew) to " wire and fantasy," Francesca's "Made in Kina" and Sara's "Love and Dreams August! He seemed to know ..... we chatted, chatted and chatted again ..... and promised to visit us soon at MANUALLY to be held in Turin from 30 September to 3 October. By the way, those who want to join the group let us know! Now I show the pictures (made by everyone except me ......) I warmly thank the photojournalist for which this post was made possible ....... Laura and I
Francesca and I
me, Sara and Laura Greetings and BACIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!


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