Yesterday I attended the funeral of a family friend. He left after a long and painful illness, for themselves and their loved ones. The church was crowded, given the date and time. In those countries, moreover, people you know well. The rituals that mark life and death are still followed. A sign of social cohesion. However, an attempt to replicate the community. At the end of the ceremony, as the coffin passed through the church, driven by necrofori, fire applause. Everywhere. Now, it belongs, also, the ceremony. It is a ritual. The applause after his death, the last stretch of trail before burial. Instead of the silence of the past: a long applause. Almost warm, to dampen the harsh climate. And gray. It's like there was more leniency for silence. Even in the face of death. No tolerance, even to sadness. Sopirla should quickly break the silence. With the applause. That, of course, feel the affection of family members present. But it is also and perhaps above all, to console others. Us. Unable to bear the silence and sadness. So immerses us in the middle and the roaring sounds. Anywhere and at any time of day. Even when you walk: the headphones and the iPod, insulated from others. Lost in the music that goes around.
death, the pain becomes acceptable only as entertainment. As is the case, for days, in the event of poor Sarah Scazzi. On which all wonder in front of the TV. Opening the newspapers. Any time of day. The death of others exorcised by turning it into a soap opera. An investigation noire, which assist millions of people live. Minute by minute. They enter the house of the Assassin - assumed. Peering into the faces of the relatives of the victims. Question the motives and movements. The "live death" (and - again - "deferred", as written by Aldo Grasso) allows anyone to exorcise death. The "spectacle of pain" allows anyone to exorcise the pain. Thus, television becomes the new land of remorse "(to quote Frank Merlo). Where's remorse is a weak and distant. A subtle sound amid the noise. Where the private pain raises concern. So is "staged" goes public. Exhibited in the midst of people who are, in turn, "the public". Thus, in church, at the end of the funeral, we applaud. For fear of silence. The show is over. Go in peace.
( October 21, 2010)
sleeves Ilvo Diamonds See more Us. Unable to bear the silence and sadness.
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