Aspen Institute: Leadership Illuminated or "enlightened"?
The Aspen Institute is an international non-profit organization, founded in 1950 and aims to encourage enlightened leadership, ideas and timeless values and dialogue on contemporary issues.
On wikipedia it says:
"The institute and its international partners seek to create a thorough understanding of common ground in a scenario not ideologically through seminars, cultural programs, conferences and initiatives to promote leadership.
The Institute is headquartered in Washington DC and there are campuses in Aspen, Colorado and Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.
Its international network includes partner in Berlin, Rome, Lyon, Tokyo, New Delhi and Bucharest, there are initiatives on leadership in the United States, Africa, India, and Central America.
The Aspen Institute is largely funded by foundations like the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation, through registration fees at seminars and individual donations. Among its affiliates are leaders in politics, economic and intellectual. Walter Isaacson is currently its president and CEO. Giulio Tremonti is the current president of the Aspen Institute Italy. "
Aspen Institute Italy: International branch of the Aspen , a self-study center and school of recruitment of new managers, made up of elite Italian, to which they are registered as entrepreneurs and Caltagirone Elkann (Agnelli), journalists like Paul Honey and Lucia Annunziata, the crown of Pirelli, Telecom, Fastweb, Infostrada, a former Presidents of the Council and the Republic, ministers and former ministers currently in office, the so-called Left and Right ... The Sound of Music!
The members of the Executive Committee of the Aspen Institute Italy: Giuliano Amato
Lucia Annunziata
Francesco Caltagirone
Giuseppe Cattaneo
Fedele Confalonieri
Francesco Cossiga
Maurizio Gianni Costa
De Michelis
Umberto Eco
John Elkann
Pietro Ferrero
Luigi Abete
Jean-Paul Fitoussi
Franco Frattini
Cesare Geronzi
Piero Gnudi
Mario Gian Maria Gros-Pietro
Gianni Letta Enrico Letta
William Mayer
Francesco Micheli Paolo Mieli
Mario Monti Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Corrado Passera
Riccardo Perissich
Angelo Maria Petroni
Mario Pirani
Roberto Poli
Romano Prodi
Gianfelice Rocca
Cesare Romiti
Paolo Savona
Carlo Scognamiglio (honorary president of the Aspen Institute Central, which is a life member )
Lucio Stanca
Giulio Tremonti (President and member of the Aspen Institute)
Giuliano Urbani
Giacomo Vaciago
Well, I would say that the names speak for themselves ...
The motto of the Aspen Institute is "Timeless values, enlightened leadership." Timeless values, enlightened leadership.
sites: (International) (Italy)
Members of the Board:
life members: http://www. / about / leadership-board / trustees lifetime-
In Section internzionale staff based in the U.S. include the usual names which appear in the Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission ... Always the same characters. Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Robert McNamara's ... and of course our Tremonti and Scognamiglio.
Trivia: the board of directors also include Elaine Pagels, the historian of religions specializing in the study of Christian Gnosticism and the Gnostic Gospels. And 'in fact known to have cured, thirty years ago, the edition of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts. Lately it has become even more famous for the "Gospel of Judas" and above all for "Secret Gospel of Thomas," which is his best seller.
Insights: The Aspen Institute Italian or the heart of power (
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