Before starting to read the article, you must remember the implications of this simple experiment (which can either be made with any subatomic particle, and also with photons, that is, with a beam of light - even if the video shows him with electrons) that
clearly demonstrates the lack of an objective reality has always been assumed by the scientific method, a method that increasingly shows its limits really embarrassing.
Implications experiment - Link
----------------------------- The "holographic paradigm"
Theories of Aspect, Bohm, Pribram on new physics shake the traditional principles of science, from subatomic particles to giant galaxies, everything is infinitesimal part and all of the "All"
Alain Aspect
<< Nel 1982 un'équipe di ricerca dell'Università di Parigi, diretta dal fisico Alain Aspect, condusse forse il più importante esperimento del 20º secolo. Aspect ed il suo team scoprirono che, sottoponendo a determinate condizioni delle particelle subatomiche come gli elettroni, esse sono capaci di comunicare istantaneamente una con l'altra indipendentemente dalla distanza che le separa, sia che si tratti di 10 metri o di 10 miliardi di chilometri. Come se ogni singola particella sappia esattamente cosa stiano facendo tutte le altre.
phenomenon that can only be explained in two ways: either Einstein's theory - which excludes the possibility communication faster than light - is considered wrong, or subatomic particles are related non-locally.
David Bohm
Most physicists deny the possibility of phenomena that go beyond the speed of light, but Aspect's experiment revolutionizing the assumption by showing that the connection between subatomic particles is actually non- Local. David Bohm, a famous physicist at the University of London who died recently, held that Aspect's findings imply non-existence of objective reality. That is, despite its apparent solidity the universe is actually a ghost, a giant hologram and beautifully detailed.
Holograms, the part and the whole
To understand the astounding success of Bohm cast a glance at the nature of the holograms. A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph made with the help of a laser: the object to be photographed is first bathed in light from a laser beam, then an interference pattern second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the pattern resulting from the interference zone where the two rays meet is printed on photographic film. When the film is developed can only see a tangle of lines light and dark but illuminated by another laser beam, there appeared the subject original. The three-dimensionality is not the only interesting feature of the holograms, if the hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, it turns out that each half still contains the whole image of the rose. Also continuing to divide the two halves, we see that every tiny piece of film will always contain a smaller but intact, the same image.
Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information held hologram intact. It opens as a new understanding of the concepts of organization and order.
[insert : a precise ... The statement
according to which each fragment of the hologram contains all the information is not correct, there is always some loss of information, the greater the smaller the fragment. But this does nothing to undermine the hypothesis Holographic Universe, but rather restricts the mutual influences of things - from a previous inconceivable infinity to more limited areas - making the whole theory more credible.]
The frog, the 'atom and the Rose
For most of its course Western science has acted under the misconception that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, that it was a frog or an atom, was to dissect and to study their various parts. The hologram teaches us that some phenomena can escape from this approach. Bohm guessed it, opening a road to understanding Aspect's discovery of the professor. For Bohm
why subatomic particles remain in contact regardless of the distance that separates them is that their separation is an illusion. He was convinced that at a deeper level of reality, these particles are not individual entities but extensions of the same "body" fundamental. Bohm with a simplified example: Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine that the aquarium is not visible directly but only through two cameras, one positioned in front and the other side of the aquarium.
[see drawing]
Looking at the two television monitors we think that the fish are two separate entities, the different positions of the cameras there will in fact two slightly different images. But, continuing to watch the two fish at the end we realize that there is some link between them: when one turns, the other will turn, and when one looks in front of you, look at the other side. Being unaware of the real purpose of the experiment, we believe that the two fish communicate with each other instantly and mysteriously. According to Bohm, the behavior of subatomic particles indicates that there is a level of reality which we are not aware, a dimension that goes beyond our own. If subatomic particles appear to us separate it is because we can see only a portion of their reality, they are not separate "parts" but facets of a deeper and more fundamental, which is finally as holographic and indivisible as to our squad. And since everything in physical reality is made up of these "images", it follows that the Universe itself is a projection, a hologram.
The cosmic warehouse
addition to its illusory nature, the universe would have other amazing features: if the separation between subatomic particles is only apparent, This means that at a deeper level, all things are infinitely connected. The electrons of a carbon atom of the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that make up every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shines in the sky. All permeates everything. Although human nature tries to categorize, classify and subdivide the various phenomena, each subdivision is necessarily artificial and all of nature is nothing but a vast network uptime.
In a holographic universe even time and space would no longer be of fundamental principles. Concepts such as the locations are broken into a universe where nothing is really separate from the rest, so also the time and three-dimensional space (such as images of the fish on the TV monitors) should be interpreted as mere projections of a more complex system. At its deeper level reality is nothing but a sort of super hologram in which the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Having the right tools one day we could go by that level of reality and capture the scenes of our past long forgotten. What else can hold the super-hologram remains an unanswered question. As a hypothetical, assuming that it exists, should contain every single subatomic particle that is, it has been and will be, and every possible configuration of matter and energy: from snowflakes to stars, from whales to gamma rays. We should view this as a kind of cosmic warehouse of All-That-There. Bohm had even led to assume that the super-holographic level of reality could not be more than just an intermediate stage beyond which celerebbe an infinity of further development.
Since the term hologram usually refers to a static image that does not coincide with the dynamic nature and constantly active in our universe, Bohm preferred to describe the universe with the term "holomovement. To say that every single part of a holographic film contains all the information available to the film integrates simply means say that information is distributed non-locally. If it is true that the universe is organized according to holographic principles, it is assumed that the property also has non-local and every existing particle contains within itself the whole picture. Given the assumption, all manifestations of life come from a single source of causation that includes every atom in the universe. From subatomic particles to giant galaxies, everything is both infinitesimal part and totality of "all".
Billions of information ...
Karl Pribram
working in research on brain function, including the neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, Stanford University, was convinced of the holographic nature of reality. Numerous studies, rats in the 20's, had shown that memories are not confined to certain areas of the brain: the experiments but no one could explain what mechanism would allow the brain to store memories, until Pribram did not apply to this field the concepts of holography. He believes that memories are not stored in neurons or small groups of neurons, but in the patterns of nerve impulses that intersect throughout the brain, just like the patterns of laser beams that intersect across the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe piece of film which contains the holographic image.
So the brain itself works like a hologram, and Pribram's theory would explain how the brain manages to contain such a amount of memory in a space so limited. What human can store about 10 billion of information during the average life span (roughly the equivalent of five editions of the Encyclopedia Treccani!). Conversely, it was discovered that the holograms have a surprising ability to store, in fact, simply changing the angle at which two laser beams strike a photographic film, you can earn billions of information in one cubic centimeter of space.
... but also ideas
Our amazing ability to quickly retrieve any information from the huge warehouse a brain is more easily explainable, assuming the holographic principle and operate. Useless, then, leafing through the maze of the biggest archive alphabetical brain, because every piece of information seems to be instantly scan a human brain related to everyone else: this is perhaps the best example in nature of a system to cross-correlation. Assuming Pribram analyzing the brain's ability to translate the avalanche of light frequencies, sound, etc.. received through the senses, in the concrete world of perception. Encoding and decoding frequencies is precisely what a hologram does best, acting as a translation tool to convert a bunch of meaningless frequencies in a coherent image, the brain uses holographic principles to convert the same frequencies mathematically received in inner perceptions.
[insert : THE BRAIN Stir
Paul Pietsch, critical of the holographic theory of mind, he tried to disprove it (book Shufflebrain, see links at bottom of page). Having discovered that salamanders are capable of large capacity for regeneration of nerve tissue (nerves and brain), suggested that the localization of brain function could be shown by "swapping" between parts of brain. He did, dissecting the brains of some salamanders in equal parts and then rearrange the skull rotated, swapped, and so on. Pietsch was expecting to see serious malfunctions or strange behavior, but most of the salamanders continued to behave as before.]
There is an impressive amount of scientific data confirming the theory of Pribram, now shared by many neurophysiologists. The Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli applied to the holographic model acoustic phenomena, intrigued by the fact that humans can locate the source of a sound without turning his head, while deaf in one ear. It follows that each of our senses is sensitive to a much wider range of frequencies. For example, our visual system is sensitive to sound frequencies, our olfactory senses also called "osmic frequencies", and even biological cells are sensitive to a wide range of frequencies. These findings suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such frequencies can be assessed and divided.
[on holographic sound, or rather, see links at the end holophonic]
Reality? Does not exist.
But the most startling holographic brain model Pribram is what is uniting the theory of Bohm. If the reality of the world is nothing but a secondary reality and that exists is nothing but a whirlwind of holographic frequencies and even if the brain is a hologram that only selects some of these frequencies by turning them into sensory perceptions, what remains of objective reality? In other words: not exist. As claimed by Eastern religions and philosophies, the material world is an illusion. We ourselves think we are physical entities that move in a physical world, but this is pure illusion. In reality we are a sort of "receivers" floating in a kaleidoscopic sea of \u200b\u200bfrequency and extract what they magically transform it into physical reality: one of the billions of "worlds" that exist in the super-hologram. This
impressive new concept was actually christened "holographic paradigm" and although many scientists have greeted with skepticism, has impressed many others. A small but growing group of researchers believes it is the most accurate model of reality achieved so far by science. In a universe in which individual minds are actually indivisible portions of a hologram and everything is infinitely interconnected, so-called "altered states of consciousness" could simply be switching to a higher level holographic. If the mind is actually part of a continuum, a labyrinth of connected not only to every other mind exists or existed, but also to every atom, organism area or in the vastness of space, and at the same time, the fact that it is able to make inroads into this labyrinth and let us experience of body experiences no longer seems so strange.
Consciousness and display
The holographic paradigm also has implications in so-called pure sciences, like biology. Keith Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out that if the concreteness of reality is nothing but a holographic illusion, we could no longer say that the mind creates consciousness (Cogito ergo sum). On the contrary, it would create awareness in the illusory feeling of a brain, a body and any other object around us, which we interpret as physical. "
Such a revolution in how we study the biological structures leads the scientists to claim that medicine and all that we know of the healing process would be transformed by the holographic paradigm. In fact, if the apparent physical structure of the body is but a holographic projection of consciousness, it is clear that each of us is much more responsible for their own health than to recognize the current knowledge in the field of medicine. What we now consider miraculous cures may actually be due to a change of consciousness that causes changes in the hologram of the body. Similarly, Could it be that a number of controversial alternative healing techniques such as "view" prove so effective because in the holographic domain of thought images are ultimately as real as "reality."
The world is a blank canvas
Even visions and experiences of other non-ordinary reality can be easily explained if we accept the hypothesis of a holographic universe. In his book "Gifts of Unknown Things, biologist Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an Indonesian shaman, performing a ritual dance, was able to instantly vanish an entire grove of trees. Watson says that while he and another astonished observer continued to watch, she did quickly disappear and reappear several times the trees. Although the current scientific knowledge does not allow us to explain how these experiences become more plausible if we admit the holographic nature of reality. In a holographic universe there are no limits to the size of the changes we made to the substance of reality, because what we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us there is paint over any image we want. Everything becomes possible, from bending spoons with the power of the mind, the phantasmagoric events experienced by Carlos Castaneda during his encounters with Don Juan, the Yaqui shaman. Nothing more, nothing less than miraculous capacity we have to shape reality to our liking in the dream. And our core beliefs should be reviewed in light of the holographic theory of reality. >>
Dr. Richard Boylan, Behavioral Scientist
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