Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Elbow Swollen And Can Move It

The Most Beautiful Secret

Some think it is obvious that being generous support makes us feel better, but I still want to post this, since my findings in life are rather negative, which Often finding in front of a mangy dog \u200b\u200byou tend to drive them out, while I have discovered that you feel better by offering something to eat. It 's a thing that can make sense of a day!

------------------------------------------ The Most Beautiful Secret ------------------------------------------

(Frank Cillo)

Recent studies seem to show that there is a very effective way and so far little consideration for feel good and live long .

Stephen Post, professor of bioethics at Case Western Reserve University, said: "Over the past decade about 500 scientific studies have demonstrated the positive effects of generosity on our physical health."

explain briefly what has been shown in many of these searches:

- Who does the high school volunteer already has an excellent physical and mental condition in the next 50 years to life.

- The volunteers who work in two or more associations have 44% of life expectancy compared to a control sample I have the same characteristics as age, gender, marital status, frequency of exercise, habits such as smoking, alcohol, etc..

- Giving creates a sense of inner freedom and serenity that improve the quality of life.

- Give reduces depression and suicidal tendencies in adolescents.

- Give improves self-esteem.

- Giving helps manage disturbing emotions and reduces stress-induced physical and psychological difficulties.

- Dare gives meaning to his life and increases social cohesion, creating a sense of affection and esteem, which improves the quality of life, even globally.

University of California at Berkeley has studied the effects of volunteering on people for long periods and found a drastic reduction in mortality in people involved in the study.

Volunteering is one of the easiest ways to practice and immediate results of this research. But on a personal level much can be done, for example, identifying the people next to us with any kind of problem that we would be able to solve.

One of the most rewarding in this respect is to help young people grow. There are a number of mentoring organizations in Italy, but in this case the family and those close to us may be closer to our goal scope.

biologist David Sloan says: "For millennia, humanity has always known that positive actions are reflected in a beneficial way on the lives of those who make them. It is an idea rooted in man since the beginning of its evolution. "

Many studies confirm that behavior generous and open to others is reflected in the physical health effects comparable to those of many antioxidants, such as Green tea, the omega3 acetylsalicylic acid.

Giving something to others improves the way we see ourselves, and this in turn modifies deeply the functioning of our brain , the hormones and metabolism .

To have all these positive effects do not need to engage in extraordinary actions and extraordinary. Just look for someone in their neighborhood needs us and carve out a space in our day to look after it.

Obviously this should be done after having carefully examined the forces, so as not to engage in activities that may produce additional stress or hide dangers for our sanity, or even for our lives. Being able to donate

also means learning to consider the precise character of the people. Sometimes people may have difficulty in a destructive state of mind that can infect us, undermining our physical and mental health and nullifying the beneficial effects of giving.

Ultimately, if you want to be healthy and live a balanced and fulfilling life from all points of view, you can choose to turn your attention to others and begin to understand what they need.

If we learn to give what you have, the world will turn into an oasis of peace and goodwill, even if things around you will not be always good and the media continue to highlight the ugliness around you.

To live long there's an economic and very effective: to give generously, a little at a time, without overdoing it and without expecting anything in return.

From: www.EnergyTraining.it


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