Where to insects such as bees or ants kidnap the queen and the door is half a world away, the colonies continued to work as if nothing had happened. Just when you kill the queen, however, the nest or hive disperse aimless, insects are doomed.
The relationship between the mass of the brain of these insects and ours (which contains remnants of evolution as the so-called "reptilian brain") is clearly disproportionate, and it seems foolish to argue that insects are endowed with powers of telepathic communication (via wave still not identified by Science Journal), and we do not.
The reality we live in is composed of at least two other dimensions that interpenetrate our own: a spiritual reflection of dreams and spirits of the planet, and one more - the "realm of ideas."
Reality is a compromise between the subjective (perceived world by consciousness) and Objectivity (common opinion), and convince just thought you can do in-reality-anything you can do in the imagination or in dreams.
Maybe we need to then suffer the consequences of breach of what is considered objective in Review City: you can not flit around in a world like ours (where such a thing is conceived only if you are witnessing the spectacle of un'illusionista) without having to then deal with all that this fact implies.
There are those who would be able even to go crazy, if it were confronted with a reality like that.
why I hope that the number of minds that wake up early to reach a minimum necessary to undermine the veil Task Group common (or collective unconscious) that causes the existence of concepts like "paradox" , a human invention useful only for the storage of ignorance in the population sleeping.
The concept of public opinion acts as a wall, even in the transition to the spiritual world, which is more subjective than objective - at least that is our objective and subjective.
The veil of paradox (also known as "glove" or "maya" ) is born from the thoughts of standardized and uniform coated slavery in the minds of the unaware, with symbols combined with false explanations dogmatic, Venerable thousands of years, which have generated this kind of "bell jar" that covers the spirit in man, chained and keep slaves of persons who have applied the various bizarre cults astronomical age of the fish-handlers (see www.ZeitgeistMovie. com).
Last but not least the modern cult of technocratic "scientific method" , Orwellian term that identifies the ancient word "dogma", and the facts that violate the axioms on which it is based are to be discredited and buried " mystery of faith ".
My opinion remains the same:
The only way not to abandon the path of truth is constantly doubting everything (especially things universally accepted), and not delude ourselves never to have acquired certainties.
(experiment quoted above, see this link )
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