Gerson therapy, a natural method for treating cancer
Documentary Massimo Mazzucco (voice of M. Mazzucco)
Massimo Thanks for this wonderful documentary is not cynical nor sad, despite the difficult subject that you treated.
chapter of a documentary about cancer M. Mazzucco dedicated to the Gerson therapy.
Gerson Therapy is a nutritional therapy that Dr Max Gerson studied, the early twentieth century, for the healing of cancer and other diseases "incurable". The protocol of therapy, developed empirically, contains, in pharmacologically active doses, beneficial nutrients for the cancer patient.
Since 1922, when Dr. Gerson has begun to apply this therapy, thousands of patients have been saved.
Gerson noted that correcting disorders of the basal metabolic rate, allowing the development of chronic diseases, all body systems can be restored to proper functioning.
The course of some chronic diseases, including cancer, can be reversed. Dr. Gerson argues that cancer is a decisive change in the general clinical picture and not the local one.
The proposed treatment can be modified for the treatment of certain chronic non-malignant.
Dr. Gerson found that, in the twenties, when he began to fertilize the soil with chemicals, potassium vegetables and fruit decreased. The processes of food preservation to further modify the natural mineral balance. In fact, large amounts of sodium are added to preserve and flavor. Consequently reduces the body's reserves of potassium, which simultaneously is forced to eliminate substantial excess of sodium. Dr. Gerson said that this change in mineral metabolism is followed by changes in pH of cells which, in turn, act on the formation and reactivation of hormones, vitamins, and especially the different oxidizing enzyme systems. At this point he assumed that the cells 'abnormal' weakest exist in every organization, be the first to suffer and, in their struggle to survive, they change their metabolism, transforming it from oxidizing in fermentation. They survive by destroying the surrounding tissue with their toxic metabolic products and ended up killing the host body.
In order to help the body to acquire the minerals and vitamins he needs, in an easily digestible, are administered to patients large quantities of fruit juice and fresh organic vegetables.
are given fruit and vegetables, raw or cooked, and green salads biologiche.La first phase of treatment is detoxification. This is accomplished by giving patients a special past, prepared with fresh vegetables and herbs specific, that Hippocrates gave to cancer patients. This past helped to stimulate the elimination of toxins through the kidneys. They are also charged a large number of coffee enemas, even organic, because caffeine has the effect of opening the bile ducts that release large amounts of toxic material.
For the first six weeks are eliminated all animal protein to allow the pancreas, whose ability to decompose the protein is already shortened, groped to remove and digest the cancerous tissue.
juices also stimulate the liver and kidneys to eliminate toxins. It is also carried out a liver support therapy in the form of organic and inorganic iodide, large amounts of a combination of three potassium salts in 10% solution (acetate, gluconate and potassium phosphate), pancreatic enzymes and vitamin B3.
Treatment excludes all food products, canned, salted, pickled, bottled, frozen, fine. Also excluded are the stimulants of any kind and toxic substances such as hair dyes and medicines. They are also prohibited fats and fluorine and, temporarily, is also prohibited cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk and cream.
The percentage of healing among the patients of Dr. Gerson, almost exclusively of terminal cancer patients, and in any event, all with metastases, was higher than 40%.
In 1946, Dr. Gerson was invited to present its treatment before the U.S. Senate. It provides one hundred million dollars for cancer research. Unfortunately, the bill S. 1875 was defeated by 4 votes out of a total of 96 voters from the medical lobby supporter of the radiological and surgical approach and the press was prevented from meeting Gerson.
A boycott of this event followed fifty fierce, due to envy professional rivalry with academic and last but not least, the law of profit.
In the '90s, for grass-roots pressure, the Gerson therapy was validated and removed from the list of "unproven treatment" published by the American Association for Cancer.
It 'important to point out that the Gerson therapy provides better patient outcomes that have not been subjected to chemotherapy, which was introduced shortly before the death of Gerson. This treatment creates in fact damage irreversible immune system whose integrity is based on the success of this natural therapy. Recently, however, has developed a special protocol for patients weakened by previous therapy which has helped cure a good number.
On September 15, 1990, the journal Lancet published the results of an investigation carried out in a hospital gerson oncologists from the University of London. The conclusion was "It was unequivocally documented the regression of tumors."
Also in the 90s, more than thirty years after the death of Gerson, two other studies have been conducted very serious about his method. The
first study was published by Peter Lechner oncological surgeon of the hospital district of Graz, Austria. It reports the results of an experiment, which lasted six years, the Gerson therapy in 60 patients operated on for a wide range of cancers, several of them with liver metastases. Some of the patients undergoing Gerson therapy, though watered down by Lechner, and, moreover, in conjunction with orthodox methods (which is diametrically opposed to the fees of non-toxic therapy in question), are cured. All others, however, lived longer and better, and with fewer side effects than conventional treatments compared with the control group.
The second study is an analysis comparison between the Gerson therapy and conventional melanoma patients into two groups, one of the deadliest types of cancer. This study was published in September 1995 on the American medical journal "Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Vol, n.IV, with diagnosis confirmed by the Institute of Pathology of the U.S. Armed Forces. 100% of melanoma patients, stages I and II, treated with the Gerson therapy, arrived at the finish of the five-year survival, compared with 79% of the control group. For stages IIIA and IIIB, with local metastases, the group Gerson came to 70% at 5 years and the other target of only 41%. In the group of stage IVA sicker, with distant metastases, the milestone of five years was achieved by 39% of patients Gerson and only 6% of others.
Among the patients cured by therapy Gerson remember Mrs. Beata Bishop, a psychologist and designer for the BBC. The Bishop, in his book "A Time to Heal" (Penguin) describes his experience of ill cured with this natural method. He had to die in 1980 for a melanoma metastatizzat. Today, more than twenty-five years later, he travels the world teaching relaxation techniques to people with cancer and therapeutic and psychological doctors at risk of burnout.
More explanations on the processing can be found in the book "The Gerson Therapy" (20 €, 475 pp.) Written by Charlotte Gerson daughter of the famous physician and published by Macro Edizioni. This book is a revision and an expansion of the volume that Gerson published in 1958, a year before his death, entitled "A Cancer Therapy, Results of 50 Cases" (A treatment for cancer, results of 50 cases).
For more information, you can contact the Gerson Institute (1572 Second Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101,, founded by Charlotte Gerson. This institute disseminates books, articles, audio and video cassettes on therapy. It also organizes seminars for the public and medical courses. Doctors and naturopaths Europeans who know English and who would follow one of these courses, the Institute provides addresses and details. The Gerson Institute also book places in the hospital near San Diego where the method is practiced.
Margaret Straus, the grandson of Dr. Max Gerson, writes articles, he lectures and holds seminars on the work of his grandfather. It is also available for talks, especially telephone with patients. His e-mail for first contact is margaret.straus @
Life of Dr. Gerson is told in the form of a very gripping detective story, in The Dr. Max, written by Professor Giuliano Dego, husband of Margaret Straus.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Pinnacle Tv Center Blank Screen
Treaty of Lisbon: Storace admits!
the first minute of video.
Youtube Link:
Link: What is the "Lisbon Treaty"?
the first minute of video.
Youtube Link:
Link: What is the "Lisbon Treaty"?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Silver Fern Under Breast Tattoo
Illuminati - the real story
Angels and Demons revealed:
The true story of the Illuminati and the NWO (New World Order)
(original title: "Angels and Demons Revealed")
Link youtube :
Angels and Demons revealed:
The true story of the Illuminati and the NWO (New World Order)
(original title: "Angels and Demons Revealed")
Link youtube :
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Gay Crusing Spots In Portland Oregon
What is Hamas? For a Science of the Soul
I decided to translate an article from that helps to understand to what point the public is manipulated and deceived, here as in countries affected by war. I remember that the Jewish religion and Zionism (political movement for the creation of the state of Israel emerged in late 1800) are completely different things and independent, although many Jews have fallen into the trap of the Zionist corruption.
Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin, Co-Founder of Hamas
Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi the other Co-Founder
Hamas is an Israeli front
The focus of the Hamas leadership is directed by Shin Bet, which is an intelligence agency for internal affairs of the state of Israel. It is said that Hamas is funded by 'mysterious foreign entities'. In reality, the money comes from U.S. taxpayers, who finance covert intelligence operations between the groups in front of Israel in Jordan, Syria and Iran.
-Hamas was founded in 1987
Sheikh Yassin was the point man for Hamas. The association was founded as a charitable entity called Da'wah Hamas. He built an impressive infrastructure network for the social, educational, religious and cultural aspects of the Palestinian people, most of whom were poor refugees.
In the book "Devil's Game" author Robert Dreyfuss reveals how the U.S. looked the other way when Israel's secret service supported the creation of Hamas.
an old technique-Zionist ..
Zionists live by intrigue, and lead the opposition is one of their favorite tactics. They provide a service referred to someone in need, and this opens the door. In this case, Hamas has built hospitals and medical services. The Palestinians agreed to immediately
Hamas and never asked where he got the money.
-Hamas gives the pretext for the 'play of terror'
Israel could not massacre the Palestinians without having first received terrorist attacks. The rockets of Hamas, which occasionally fall into Israeli restaurants kill mainly immigrants, foreign workers and Israeli Arabs, but Israel cries to the world: "Hamas is killing the Jews."
-Restaurant Maxim is a typical case
A Arabic restaurant in Tel Aviv was hit by a sophisticated bomb. Although 90% of the wounded was not jew, the world was flooded with images of poor Jews killed by crazy Muslims.
-Where do you get your soldiers of fortune Hamas?
Snipers' s IDF often killing entire families, leaving alive only the eldest son, who is approached with proposals for revenge by Hamas.
-What 's the point?
The unofficial position is that the support of the CIA Israel to Hamas is a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), to be used as an alternative religious contestant.
-L 'Absurdity of It All
In July 2006, the Hamas militants who had kidnapped an Israeli soldier, tenerono a press conference in central Gaza. If they were true, the Shin Bet, or Yamas (IDF undercover teams), would be shot in one second.
The Israeli Yamas
services are operational counterintelligence who live among the Palestinians.
For more information about how the Zionist movement was born and why, I refer you to read the writings of Albert Pike found in 1925 in this link.
"... Albert Pike (1809-1891) was a lawyer, writer, soldier and especially Mason. Why call it into question? In 1871, Pike wrote a letter (later came to light in 1925) setting out clearly scenarios that would have had to check with the 3 world wars. Here are some excerpts of the letter (the ones on precisely the world wars )..." ( continues )
I decided to translate an article from that helps to understand to what point the public is manipulated and deceived, here as in countries affected by war. I remember that the Jewish religion and Zionism (political movement for the creation of the state of Israel emerged in late 1800) are completely different things and independent, although many Jews have fallen into the trap of the Zionist corruption.
Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin, Co-Founder of Hamas
Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi the other Co-Founder
Hamas is an Israeli front
The focus of the Hamas leadership is directed by Shin Bet, which is an intelligence agency for internal affairs of the state of Israel. It is said that Hamas is funded by 'mysterious foreign entities'. In reality, the money comes from U.S. taxpayers, who finance covert intelligence operations between the groups in front of Israel in Jordan, Syria and Iran.
-Hamas was founded in 1987
Sheikh Yassin was the point man for Hamas. The association was founded as a charitable entity called Da'wah Hamas. He built an impressive infrastructure network for the social, educational, religious and cultural aspects of the Palestinian people, most of whom were poor refugees.
In the book "Devil's Game" author Robert Dreyfuss reveals how the U.S. looked the other way when Israel's secret service supported the creation of Hamas.
an old technique-Zionist ..
Zionists live by intrigue, and lead the opposition is one of their favorite tactics. They provide a service referred to someone in need, and this opens the door. In this case, Hamas has built hospitals and medical services. The Palestinians agreed to immediately
Hamas and never asked where he got the money.
-Hamas gives the pretext for the 'play of terror'
Israel could not massacre the Palestinians without having first received terrorist attacks. The rockets of Hamas, which occasionally fall into Israeli restaurants kill mainly immigrants, foreign workers and Israeli Arabs, but Israel cries to the world: "Hamas is killing the Jews."
-Restaurant Maxim is a typical case
A Arabic restaurant in Tel Aviv was hit by a sophisticated bomb. Although 90% of the wounded was not jew, the world was flooded with images of poor Jews killed by crazy Muslims.
-Where do you get your soldiers of fortune Hamas?
Snipers' s IDF often killing entire families, leaving alive only the eldest son, who is approached with proposals for revenge by Hamas.
-What 's the point?
The unofficial position is that the support of the CIA Israel to Hamas is a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), to be used as an alternative religious contestant.
-L 'Absurdity of It All
In July 2006, the Hamas militants who had kidnapped an Israeli soldier, tenerono a press conference in central Gaza. If they were true, the Shin Bet, or Yamas (IDF undercover teams), would be shot in one second.
The Israeli Yamas
services are operational counterintelligence who live among the Palestinians.
For more information about how the Zionist movement was born and why, I refer you to read the writings of Albert Pike found in 1925 in this link.
"... Albert Pike (1809-1891) was a lawyer, writer, soldier and especially Mason. Why call it into question? In 1871, Pike wrote a letter (later came to light in 1925) setting out clearly scenarios that would have had to check with the 3 world wars. Here are some excerpts of the letter (the ones on precisely the world wars )..." ( continues )
Monday, May 11, 2009
Flight Simulator X Air Brakes Button
There are, and we were in history, studies that science has ignored the official time or ignore it, because they consider their own fallibility and shows its limits, dictated primarily by an infinite ignorance on the part of every human being when he is faced with the infinite variety of things and events in the universe.
E 'therefore illusory feeling of modern man to be in control of reality in a wide range of sizes, because as far as he can dig in it, will never, by technological means, to explore the entire breadth of 'Universe.
Anyone who informs on the part of the studies conducted by some of the people mentioned below, you will conclude that there are indeed different phenomena to be explained require the use of imagination, rather than the calculator: why there are only theories in quantum physics, which border on the philosophical and psychological sphere, is treated on site:
Constellations archetypal
Faced with the crisis of energy resources and the environment, political systems, ideologies, religions , and at the same time assisting the new discoveries of science on display in the Tao of Physics by Fritjof Kapra, Bateson's systems theory, in Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Fields, oil Bohm, Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis and many other theories as many Nobel Prize winners, it seems more clear than ever the need for a new mode of investigation philosophical and scientific existential dimension. The Newtonian paradigm
/ Cartesian has long shown the limits and inadequate at the size of the invisible and is now more than ever desirable to develop a new philosophy and a new science, new tools of investigation where Soul / Psyche is not seen as the mere result of neurophysiological processes and / or delivered into the hands of a religious belief, but it is considered rather it should explore and in its original sense of the central and fundamental element of life and evolution.
continues on:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mammals Breathe Faster Than Reptiles
All the accusations and condemnations of the criminal
This is the first and last post in this blog about politics.
I think it is quite comprehensive in understanding both hands in our society.
"Nobody can judge me"
The curriculum of the full judicial Knight. A survey for the 1983 recycling today. All surveys, all processes, all sentences
Drug Trafficking
In 1983 the Financial Police, as part of an investigation
on drug trafficking, was placed under control of mobile
Berlusconi. The report states: "It was reported that the notorious
Silvio Berlusconi would finance an intensive
drugs from Sicily, both in France and
in other Italian regions. The predicted would be the center of
large real estate speculation and would work on the Costa Smeralda
using shell companies ...». The survey
not subject to criminal and made sure nothing was filed in 1991
false testimony about P2
the first conviction on the part of Silvio Berlusconi a court
came in 1990, the Court of Appeal of Venice
declares him guilty of perjury in the courts, by the way
its inclusion in the list P2.
In September 1988, in fact, in a libel trial brought against him by
reporters, Berlusconi had said
the judge: "I do not remember the exact date of my enrollment
P2, I remember that shortly before the scandal
" . This statement is
Berlusconi on trial for perjury. The trial ended in 1990
: Berlusconi is guilty, but the crime has lapsed for
amnesty occurred in 1989.
Bribes to the Guardia di Finanza
Berlusconi is accused of paying bribes to the Guardia di Finanza officers
to soften
fiscal controls on four of its companies (Mondadori, Mediolanum, Videotime
TelepiĂ¹). In the first instance is
sentenced to 2 years and 9 months for all four alleged bribes,
without extenuating circumstances. On appeal, the Court grants the
extenuating circumstances: thus triggering the requirement for three
bribes. For the fourth (TelepiĂ¹), absolution is granted by formula
doubt (paragraph 2, art.
530 cpp). The Supreme Court in October 2001, confirmed the sentences for defendants
Berlusconi Berruti, Sciascia, Nanocchio
and Capone (hence the bribes were paid), but performs
Berlusconi for not having committed the crime, even calling
the lack of evidence.
Bribes to Craxi (All Iberian 1)
For 21 billion in illicit funds Craxi
(It 's the largest bribe ever paid to an individual politician
in Italy), passed through the foreign company All
Iberian, at first instance was sentenced to two years and four months.
On appeal, due to the lengthy process
triggered the statute of limitations. The Supreme Court confirmation.
false accounting (All Iberian 2)
Berlusconi has been investigated (also based on a massive
advice provided by KPMG) for the network of 64
companies and offshore accounts of the Fininvest group (Fininvest Group B)
who allegedly has funded operations "confidential"
(listed on the stock market has climbed society as stands and Rinascente
without informing the Consob, has circumvented the anti-monopoly laws
TV in Italy and Spain, acquiring control of Telepi ~
and Telecinco, paid kickbacks to political parties, as the cue
record 21 billion pounds to date through Craxi
All Iberian society). The network of Fininvest occulta-shadow
moved between 1989 and 1996, blacks funds
for at least 2 trillion lire. For this
Berlusconi was called to respond to false accounting. But in 2002
changed the law on false accounting, making
his crimes in illicit simple curable with a fine ..
and especially by reducing the time limitation
of the crime (they were 7 years, to increase up to 15, are now
4). So the judge for preliminary investigations in February 2003
terminated the investigation: denying absolution, as
Berlusconi and his co-defendants (Paul's brother, the cousin
Giancarlo Foscale, Adriano Galliani, Fedele Confalonieri)
not be called innocent ;
but decided to acquit all The 25 defendants, as the
time for the process, under the new law, has expired.
The prosecutor used the Supreme Court, which in early July 2003
apply for the first time the "award Maccanico"
deciding to suspend the trial for Berlusconi.
Lentini case
Berlusconi has been indicted for having decided to pay in black
ten billion from the coffers of Milan
to those of the Torino soccer, for the purchase of the player Gianfranco
Lentini. The trial of first degree
concluded with the statement that the offense has prescribed
thanks to Berlusconi's new law on false accounting
Medusa Film
Berlusconi is accused of misconduct in
purchasing operations of the Medusa film company,
for not having made 10 billion budget. At first instance
is sentenced to 1 year and 4 months for false accounting.
On appeal acquittal
doubtful, confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Land of Macherio
Berlusconi is accused of embezzlement, tax fraud and false
budgeted for the purchase of land
around his villa in Macherio. At first instance the appropriation
is acquitted of embezzlement and tax fraud. For the two false
challenged in the budget takes the prescription.
On appeal the acquittal is confirmed for the first two offenses
; has acquitted one of false accounting, for the second
apply for amnesty.
Lodo Mondadori
Berlusconi is accused of paying judges
Rome for a decision in his favor in Lodo Mondadori,
who had to decide the ownership of the publishing house. The preliminary hearing judge
Rosario Lupo decided
the filing of the case, doubtful with formula. The Attorney
has appealed to the Court of Appeal in June 2001 decided
: Berlusconi is conceivable for the crime of
simple corruption, and not to contest in
corruption in judicial acts, given the extenuating circumstances, the offense
is therefore required, since
dates back to 1991 and the prescription, with extenuating circumstances,
trips after 5 years. The judge ordered that they remain under his co-defendants
process Cesare Previti, Giovanni Acampora,
Attilio Pacifico and Vittorio Metta.
Toghe dirty-Sme
Berlusconi is accused of bribing judges during
transactions for the purchase of SME.
indicted together with Cesare Previti and Renato Squillante. The process
of First Instance concluded (with convictions for
Previti and Squillante) in Milan, after the Supreme Court rejected
the request to move the trial or Brescia Perugia,
for reasonable suspicion, especially for law
reintroduced in October 2002. Another law, the
"Maccanico award, voted on urgent
in June 2003, has forced the suspension of all processes
five highest offices of state, including President
the Council but was rejected by the Court Constitutional
because unconstitutional. Carved out the position of Berlusconi
from the main trial, the Court of Milan held
prove the facts of corruption, acquitted on the money paid for prescription
to Squillante and acquitted for the rest, but by calling
insufficiency of evidence.
Partition advertising Rai-Fininvest
Berlusconi was accused of having led the Rai,
as president of the Council to agree with the Fininvest roofs advertising
to soften competition. The prosecutor of Rome, by failing
collected enough evidence for the crime of extortion,
asked archiving, upheld by Judge
preliminary hearing.
Bribes tax on pay-tv
Berlusconi was accused of paying bribes to
leaders and officials of the Ministry of Finance to reduce VAT
19 to 4 per cent on pay TV and to get
repayments of favor. The prosecutor of Rome called for the storage,
accepted by the judge for the preliminary hearing.
Massacres of 1992-1993
Authorizations of Caltanissetta and Florence, for many years investigating
on "Sending masked" the massacres of
1992 (Falcone e Borsellino) and 1993 (in Florence, Rome and
Milan). The preliminary investigation on the possible role that
Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri
may have had in those events have been formally closed by
filings in 1998 (Florence) and 2002 (Caltanissetta), however, continue
investigation for complicity in murder against unknown
storage and decrees have words heavy against
environments Fininvest.
The Mafia prosecutor in Palermo investigated Berlusconi to the Mafia:
collusion with the Mafia and laundering dirty money
. In 1998 the investigation was closed
for expiration of the maximum extent permitted to investigate.
clues about relationships with men of Berlusconi and Dell'Utri
What we continue to be reported in many judgments. Dell'Utri,
finally, was sentenced to 9 years for Palermo
contest with the Mafia, and this casts heavy shadows on
Berlusconi, who was put in Dell'Utri
hands of the Mafia since 1974.
Telecinco in Spain
Berlusconi, Fininvest Dell'Utri and other managers responsible
issuer Telecinco in Spain, are accused of tax fraud
100 billion and violation of antitrust law
English, to have held secretly control
Telecinco, prohibited by antitrust laws.
are now awaiting trial at the request of anti-corruption magistrate
Madrid, Baltasar Garzon Real. Judge Garzon has asked
process of Berlusconi in Italy or be able to process
in Spain. In fact, the process is suspended.
Milan: the corruption of judges, there was
Palermo: The mafia always on the side of B.
In Milan, the sentence on Berlusconi Sme
performs and directs, but reaffirms that the corruption of judges
out money from the accounts of Berlusconi, has been there. In Palermo
Dell'Utri certify that the decision to close
Berlusconi has always been, since 1974,
the presence of an awkward partner: What
ours. Now, finished processes, the country ask himself:
may be governed (and too bad) by a man
that allowed the corruption of judges and, as a businessman and a politician
and lived for thirty years with the Mafia ?
Milan, December 10, 2004. Judgement of the SME trial, only defendant
extract with Silvio Berlusconi. Already
miraculous, first, that we have come to a decision,
after a long process that the defendants and their lawyers
MPs have tried to slow down and stop in every way. Before attempting to sidetrack the investigation
. Hearings and then deserting
extending the timetable for the trial. Finally
crafting laws to measure: one on reasonable suspicion, to move the process
elsewhere and get prescription (
attempt blocked by the Supreme Court) that sull'improcessabilitĂ
of the five most senior State (Maccanico award-Schivani,
rejected by the Constitutional Court)
The ruling, however, has finally arrived. Here
what it says.
1. For the payment of 500 million lire
outputs from the accounts of Berlusconi and arrive at court
Squillante, through accounts diPreviti:
the verdict says that the fact is
happened, but the crime is "simple corruption"
( in the years when it was committed, a distraction
the legislature, later corrected, did not provide the offense
"corruption in judicial acts" who pays for the judges.
So the penalty is more mild and mainly
prescription snaps in just 7 years (and not 15).
So, recognizing the accused Berlusconi of the extenuating
general, take the prescription.
2. For payments made to the courts by Barilla
acquittal, but with reference to the second paragraph of Article 530
, so for lack of evidence.
And with the formula "for not having committed the crime," which suggests
(we'll know the reasons) that
But the fact was committed (and therefore there was corruption
3. For payments to judges having
by Stefania Ariosto (the rowing club Lazio, in the garage ...):
full acquittal (the only case in four), but even here
with the formula "for not having committed the crime," which suggests
(but we will know only from the grounds)
that the fact is, however, was committed (and therefore also
in this case there was corruption).
4. To pay for the court to sentence Green Sme:
acquittal because "the facts did not" (the only case
on four), but even here you call the
second paragraph of Article 530, therefore the '
insufficiency of evidence (while Green and the main process
Previti had been acquitted, for these payments, with full formula).
Palermo, December 11, 2004. Judgement of the process in which
Marcello Dell'Utri was charged with Complicity
Mafia: Sentenced to nine years.
So the court has recognized that the right arm
(or left) of Berlusconi was and is a man
available to Cosa Nostra. Since 1974, when he was called by Berlusconi in Milan
to resolve ("privately")
the problem of threats of extortion and kidnapping
Berlusconi had received. Then he went Dell'Utri
behind in Milan, a mobster, Vittorio Mangano,
who became the "guarantee" of Cosa Nostra in the house Berlusconi.
Dell'Utri So put in the hands of Berlusconi
mafia. Until the nineties, which was founded Forza Italy,
seen by Cosa Nostra, after the season and the dissolution of the massacres
of the DC, as the new political reference
Sicilian families.
The sentence is a personal regards and Marcello Dell'Utri
(with his co-defendant Tanino China, sentenced to 7 years). But
makes serious accusations against Silvio Berlusconi:
Dell'Utri this was put in the hands of the mafia,
since 1974, and would force Italy What was driven by our
and hailed as a solution by the boss in trouble after running out of
stragista strategy.
What would happen at this point, in a normal country?
legal chapter closed, what to say
a sound policy and civil society wakes up?
Perhaps we should reconsider what people say to discredit and defame the company, who is seen by government ...
This is the first and last post in this blog about politics.
I think it is quite comprehensive in understanding both hands in our society.
"Nobody can judge me"
The curriculum of the full judicial Knight. A survey for the 1983 recycling today. All surveys, all processes, all sentences
Drug Trafficking
In 1983 the Financial Police, as part of an investigation
on drug trafficking, was placed under control of mobile
Berlusconi. The report states: "It was reported that the notorious
Silvio Berlusconi would finance an intensive
drugs from Sicily, both in France and
in other Italian regions. The predicted would be the center of
large real estate speculation and would work on the Costa Smeralda
using shell companies ...». The survey
not subject to criminal and made sure nothing was filed in 1991
false testimony about P2
the first conviction on the part of Silvio Berlusconi a court
came in 1990, the Court of Appeal of Venice
declares him guilty of perjury in the courts, by the way
its inclusion in the list P2.
In September 1988, in fact, in a libel trial brought against him by
reporters, Berlusconi had said
the judge: "I do not remember the exact date of my enrollment
P2, I remember that shortly before the scandal
" . This statement is
Berlusconi on trial for perjury. The trial ended in 1990
: Berlusconi is guilty, but the crime has lapsed for
amnesty occurred in 1989.
Bribes to the Guardia di Finanza
Berlusconi is accused of paying bribes to the Guardia di Finanza officers
to soften
fiscal controls on four of its companies (Mondadori, Mediolanum, Videotime
TelepiĂ¹). In the first instance is
sentenced to 2 years and 9 months for all four alleged bribes,
without extenuating circumstances. On appeal, the Court grants the
extenuating circumstances: thus triggering the requirement for three
bribes. For the fourth (TelepiĂ¹), absolution is granted by formula
doubt (paragraph 2, art.
530 cpp). The Supreme Court in October 2001, confirmed the sentences for defendants
Berlusconi Berruti, Sciascia, Nanocchio
and Capone (hence the bribes were paid), but performs
Berlusconi for not having committed the crime, even calling
the lack of evidence.
Bribes to Craxi (All Iberian 1)
For 21 billion in illicit funds Craxi
(It 's the largest bribe ever paid to an individual politician
in Italy), passed through the foreign company All
Iberian, at first instance was sentenced to two years and four months.
On appeal, due to the lengthy process
triggered the statute of limitations. The Supreme Court confirmation.
false accounting (All Iberian 2)
Berlusconi has been investigated (also based on a massive
advice provided by KPMG) for the network of 64
companies and offshore accounts of the Fininvest group (Fininvest Group B)
who allegedly has funded operations "confidential"
(listed on the stock market has climbed society as stands and Rinascente
without informing the Consob, has circumvented the anti-monopoly laws
TV in Italy and Spain, acquiring control of Telepi ~
and Telecinco, paid kickbacks to political parties, as the cue
record 21 billion pounds to date through Craxi
All Iberian society). The network of Fininvest occulta-shadow
moved between 1989 and 1996, blacks funds
for at least 2 trillion lire. For this
Berlusconi was called to respond to false accounting. But in 2002
changed the law on false accounting, making
his crimes in illicit simple curable with a fine ..
and especially by reducing the time limitation
of the crime (they were 7 years, to increase up to 15, are now
4). So the judge for preliminary investigations in February 2003
terminated the investigation: denying absolution, as
Berlusconi and his co-defendants (Paul's brother, the cousin
Giancarlo Foscale, Adriano Galliani, Fedele Confalonieri)
not be called innocent ;
but decided to acquit all The 25 defendants, as the
time for the process, under the new law, has expired.
The prosecutor used the Supreme Court, which in early July 2003
apply for the first time the "award Maccanico"
deciding to suspend the trial for Berlusconi.
Lentini case
Berlusconi has been indicted for having decided to pay in black
ten billion from the coffers of Milan
to those of the Torino soccer, for the purchase of the player Gianfranco
Lentini. The trial of first degree
concluded with the statement that the offense has prescribed
thanks to Berlusconi's new law on false accounting
Medusa Film
Berlusconi is accused of misconduct in
purchasing operations of the Medusa film company,
for not having made 10 billion budget. At first instance
is sentenced to 1 year and 4 months for false accounting.
On appeal acquittal
doubtful, confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Land of Macherio
Berlusconi is accused of embezzlement, tax fraud and false
budgeted for the purchase of land
around his villa in Macherio. At first instance the appropriation
is acquitted of embezzlement and tax fraud. For the two false
challenged in the budget takes the prescription.
On appeal the acquittal is confirmed for the first two offenses
; has acquitted one of false accounting, for the second
apply for amnesty.
Lodo Mondadori
Berlusconi is accused of paying judges
Rome for a decision in his favor in Lodo Mondadori,
who had to decide the ownership of the publishing house. The preliminary hearing judge
Rosario Lupo decided
the filing of the case, doubtful with formula. The Attorney
has appealed to the Court of Appeal in June 2001 decided
: Berlusconi is conceivable for the crime of
simple corruption, and not to contest in
corruption in judicial acts, given the extenuating circumstances, the offense
is therefore required, since
dates back to 1991 and the prescription, with extenuating circumstances,
trips after 5 years. The judge ordered that they remain under his co-defendants
process Cesare Previti, Giovanni Acampora,
Attilio Pacifico and Vittorio Metta.
Toghe dirty-Sme
Berlusconi is accused of bribing judges during
transactions for the purchase of SME.
indicted together with Cesare Previti and Renato Squillante. The process
of First Instance concluded (with convictions for
Previti and Squillante) in Milan, after the Supreme Court rejected
the request to move the trial or Brescia Perugia,
for reasonable suspicion, especially for law
reintroduced in October 2002. Another law, the
"Maccanico award, voted on urgent
in June 2003, has forced the suspension of all processes
five highest offices of state, including President
the Council but was rejected by the Court Constitutional
because unconstitutional. Carved out the position of Berlusconi
from the main trial, the Court of Milan held
prove the facts of corruption, acquitted on the money paid for prescription
to Squillante and acquitted for the rest, but by calling
insufficiency of evidence.
Partition advertising Rai-Fininvest
Berlusconi was accused of having led the Rai,
as president of the Council to agree with the Fininvest roofs advertising
to soften competition. The prosecutor of Rome, by failing
collected enough evidence for the crime of extortion,
asked archiving, upheld by Judge
preliminary hearing.
Bribes tax on pay-tv
Berlusconi was accused of paying bribes to
leaders and officials of the Ministry of Finance to reduce VAT
19 to 4 per cent on pay TV and to get
repayments of favor. The prosecutor of Rome called for the storage,
accepted by the judge for the preliminary hearing.
Massacres of 1992-1993
Authorizations of Caltanissetta and Florence, for many years investigating
on "Sending masked" the massacres of
1992 (Falcone e Borsellino) and 1993 (in Florence, Rome and
Milan). The preliminary investigation on the possible role that
Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri
may have had in those events have been formally closed by
filings in 1998 (Florence) and 2002 (Caltanissetta), however, continue
investigation for complicity in murder against unknown
storage and decrees have words heavy against
environments Fininvest.
The Mafia prosecutor in Palermo investigated Berlusconi to the Mafia:
collusion with the Mafia and laundering dirty money
. In 1998 the investigation was closed
for expiration of the maximum extent permitted to investigate.
clues about relationships with men of Berlusconi and Dell'Utri
What we continue to be reported in many judgments. Dell'Utri,
finally, was sentenced to 9 years for Palermo
contest with the Mafia, and this casts heavy shadows on
Berlusconi, who was put in Dell'Utri
hands of the Mafia since 1974.
Telecinco in Spain
Berlusconi, Fininvest Dell'Utri and other managers responsible
issuer Telecinco in Spain, are accused of tax fraud
100 billion and violation of antitrust law
English, to have held secretly control
Telecinco, prohibited by antitrust laws.
are now awaiting trial at the request of anti-corruption magistrate
Madrid, Baltasar Garzon Real. Judge Garzon has asked
process of Berlusconi in Italy or be able to process
in Spain. In fact, the process is suspended.
Milan: the corruption of judges, there was
Palermo: The mafia always on the side of B.
In Milan, the sentence on Berlusconi Sme
performs and directs, but reaffirms that the corruption of judges
out money from the accounts of Berlusconi, has been there. In Palermo
Dell'Utri certify that the decision to close
Berlusconi has always been, since 1974,
the presence of an awkward partner: What
ours. Now, finished processes, the country ask himself:
may be governed (and too bad) by a man
that allowed the corruption of judges and, as a businessman and a politician
and lived for thirty years with the Mafia ?
Milan, December 10, 2004. Judgement of the SME trial, only defendant
extract with Silvio Berlusconi. Already
miraculous, first, that we have come to a decision,
after a long process that the defendants and their lawyers
MPs have tried to slow down and stop in every way. Before attempting to sidetrack the investigation
. Hearings and then deserting
extending the timetable for the trial. Finally
crafting laws to measure: one on reasonable suspicion, to move the process
elsewhere and get prescription (
attempt blocked by the Supreme Court) that sull'improcessabilitĂ
of the five most senior State (Maccanico award-Schivani,
rejected by the Constitutional Court)
The ruling, however, has finally arrived. Here
what it says.
1. For the payment of 500 million lire
outputs from the accounts of Berlusconi and arrive at court
Squillante, through accounts diPreviti:
the verdict says that the fact is
happened, but the crime is "simple corruption"
( in the years when it was committed, a distraction
the legislature, later corrected, did not provide the offense
"corruption in judicial acts" who pays for the judges.
So the penalty is more mild and mainly
prescription snaps in just 7 years (and not 15).
So, recognizing the accused Berlusconi of the extenuating
general, take the prescription.
2. For payments made to the courts by Barilla
acquittal, but with reference to the second paragraph of Article 530
, so for lack of evidence.
And with the formula "for not having committed the crime," which suggests
(we'll know the reasons) that
But the fact was committed (and therefore there was corruption
3. For payments to judges having
by Stefania Ariosto (the rowing club Lazio, in the garage ...):
full acquittal (the only case in four), but even here
with the formula "for not having committed the crime," which suggests
(but we will know only from the grounds)
that the fact is, however, was committed (and therefore also
in this case there was corruption).
4. To pay for the court to sentence Green Sme:
acquittal because "the facts did not" (the only case
on four), but even here you call the
second paragraph of Article 530, therefore the '
insufficiency of evidence (while Green and the main process
Previti had been acquitted, for these payments, with full formula).
Palermo, December 11, 2004. Judgement of the process in which
Marcello Dell'Utri was charged with Complicity
Mafia: Sentenced to nine years.
So the court has recognized that the right arm
(or left) of Berlusconi was and is a man
available to Cosa Nostra. Since 1974, when he was called by Berlusconi in Milan
to resolve ("privately")
the problem of threats of extortion and kidnapping
Berlusconi had received. Then he went Dell'Utri
behind in Milan, a mobster, Vittorio Mangano,
who became the "guarantee" of Cosa Nostra in the house Berlusconi.
Dell'Utri So put in the hands of Berlusconi
mafia. Until the nineties, which was founded Forza Italy,
seen by Cosa Nostra, after the season and the dissolution of the massacres
of the DC, as the new political reference
Sicilian families.
The sentence is a personal regards and Marcello Dell'Utri
(with his co-defendant Tanino China, sentenced to 7 years). But
makes serious accusations against Silvio Berlusconi:
Dell'Utri this was put in the hands of the mafia,
since 1974, and would force Italy What was driven by our
and hailed as a solution by the boss in trouble after running out of
stragista strategy.
What would happen at this point, in a normal country?
legal chapter closed, what to say
a sound policy and civil society wakes up?
Perhaps we should reconsider what people say to discredit and defame the company, who is seen by government ...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Onlinetech Deck Spiele
The Secret of Nikola Tesla: knowledge buried in the logic of profit is a whole
Nikola Tesla, a scientist from which it takes as the unit of measurement of electromagnetic fields (such as those generated by the antennas for transmission radiotelesive and those for mobile communications), with its studies tasmettere created a system for the boundless energy is naturally present in the ether, and at any distance without using wires to connect.
Today we know that wireless technologies (he was the discoverer) are on the agenda, but in his time thought he was crazy.
Marconi used 17 of its patents to build the radio, whose paternity was attributed to Tesla a few months after his death.
three times refused the Nobel prize. Now its patents as property of General Electric, the American multinational energy, which obviously has no intention of allowing the development of any technology can make free humanity from bondage in respect of electricity companies, which have indebted the world with promises of development plans also proved to be of political / economic. (In this regard, see the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit " by John Perkins )
The story of Nikola Tesla told by Lino D'Amore
[DA: / eng / tesla.htm ]
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A forgotten genius in Italy: Nikola Tesla
"The progressive development of mankind depends on the inventions. They are the most important result of the creative faculties of the human brain. The ultimate goal of these faculties is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the achievement of the possibility to channel the forces of nature so as to meet human needs "(1). Nikola Tesla
So opens the first chapter of his autobiography, a volume catalog of dusty outside, bought for little money in a used book store located overseas.
Yes, it seems that this book was a "stock fund", dealing with someone not so important.
shame that this "someone not so important" should be many inventions that we all use in everyday life, just because this man must be almost forgotten the basics of many discoveries, developed by other scientists, such as radio or radar. At best, his name is connected to the unit of measurement of electromagnetic induction, that the electromagnetic fields generated by antennas for transmission radiotelesive and those for mobile communications.
We want at least a little, throw the beam of a spotlight on this forgotten scientist wrongly, because what we want to emphasize is that what he has always been, to use his words, "at the service of mankind", not interested personal success.
Nikola Tesla was born in the night between 9 and July 10, 1856 at Smilijan. His father, Milutin Tesla of Serbian origin, was a minister of Orthodox worship. His mother, Duka Mandic, a skilled seamstress, was educated a woman is not (had not gone to school to look after their brothers and sisters after the disease had blinded the mother), but was equipped with prodigious memory. Tesla has always reminded that his mother mentioned complete texts of the Bible and poetry, and claiming to have inherited many of her own abilities, not just a photographic memory but also other mental faculties as a remarkable inventiveness and industriousness. But she drew from her vegetable fibers of plants grown the thread used in embroidery and sewing (2).
After finishing his studies in physics and mathematics at the Technical University of Graz, Austria (3) (at the same time he began studying philosophy at the University of Prague), studying 19 hours a day and sleeping only two, we always felt forgotten scientist More strange phenomena dating back to childhood.
In the darkness he could feel the existence of objects "like a bat." Not only that.
It 's true that childhood SAW flashes of light caught her Vision of real objects, but at that time at the age of twenty-five years, the intensity of these flashes of light was not only increased, but even these flashes around him constantly.
His reaction to these phenomena consisted in the fact that a simple concept, expressed verbally, as was outlined in his mind an image that he saw and felt as if it were real.
But Tesla was not new to these experiences. Tesla himself, in his autobiography, states that in adolescence, when he was only at night, traveling in unknown and distant worlds, where he undertook further studies and take of conversations with individuals who seemed as real as the outside world (4). He mean that these phenomena have been simple hallucinations (5).
At the age of seventeen, as a result of these phenomena, he found he could create inventions in the depths of his psychological sphere of his mind, having the image in front of him made of the invention, being able to define any changes that had to be made without the use of drawings, sketches, models or experiments made in the outside world . To our surprise, this has always been the method of work of Tesla.
not seem to be so bold to claim that the Croatian scientist has come into contact with other worlds and other dimensions.
Many years later, in 1899, in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, its transmitter received a signal that is repeated continuously. He claimed to have received a message from space. He was ridiculed because of his discovery. He however, was the first man to discover radio waves from space (6).
In another source we used for this work is said that Nikola Tesla worked with the technology related to time travel. It is believed that the extent of his knowledge comes from other worlds (7).
In any case, it is precisely in this period when Nikola Tesla addresses these unique experiences, which he begins to have brilliant ideas in physics and began to devote himself body and soul to the principle of alternating current.
In 1881, while working as a draftsman and designer with the Engineering Department of the Central Telegraph Office begins to develop the concept of the rotating magnetic field that made the current AC, which remains an indispensable tool for the supply of electricity.
The following year, our scientists, more interested in the principle of alternating current, he moved to Paris, having been hired by the Continental Edison Company.
In 1883 he gives birth to the first AC induction motor, in effect, an alternating current generator (8). During the creation of the alternating current motor, Tesla was following a different method of work by other scientists of his time, giving proof of his extraordinary intellectual capacity.
It was not necessary for him to use plans, models or other hands-on experiments to achieve the optimum operation of his invention. In his mind he had very clear design of the AC motor. Where it was necessary to make changes to individual parts, these operations were carried out only in the living image of her that the scientist had discovered.
Only when he believed that his device was to design an optimal state, he gave to his office staff to proceed with the construction, giving them word for word the measures of each piece that makes up the engine. And, once built, the AC motor worked! (9)
In 1884, the young Tesla, eager to make known its findings, went to the United States, always to work on court of Edison.
Tesla expounded the concept of its discovery on the alternating current to the great Edison. However, it was a proud supporter of the technology on the current, and the ideas raised by the young Croatian scientists did not provoke any interest. Tesla
not lose heart and continued to work hard to Edison.
Although not too willingly accepted the assignment given to him by Edison to have modified the design of the generator, that is, generators, direct current. And we want to emphasize that his support for the production and distribution of AC was not motivated by selfish purposes of personal success.
The production and distribution of AC mean less cost (particularly the distribution covers more space) than the production and distribution of direct current.
Tesla was so tight to see established their own discoveries and inventions, but because these were intended to "make a better life," to help improve the human condition.
Unfortunately, in this first time, prevailed over the use and interest in the current, not only because Edison had a strong following in the scientific world, but also because the great magnates of the time had so far invested and financed technology on the direct current (10).
Not only at this stage, Tesla saw not only rejected their ideas and innovations, but it suffered from a joke by that Edison's work for modified generators direct current, Tesla was promised a salary of $ 50,000. Once you have completed your task, he found himself rejected his claim by Edison with a satirical of dubious taste.
Our sources maintain that Tesla Edison dismissed with the phrase "Tesla, you do not understand our American humor," arguing that in practice the reward promised was just a joke.
does not seem too difficult to understand why our Men of Science left the Edison Company (11).
Meanwhile, always following his method, Tesla came to another of his brilliant discoveries, the Tesla coil, a high frequency transformer, which is an indispensable tool for the transmission, and therefore the supply to homes and industries, the alternating current (12).
In May 1885, Westinghouse magnate bought Tesla's patents relating especially to the AC motor and the coil. So to create the Westinghouse Electric Company.
Under a contract between Westinghouse, Tesla would have received the highest fees, in particular a million dollars for patents and royalties. However, if Westinghouse had then paid those amounts, the Westinghouse Electric Company would have incurred the costs too high and would be in difficulties on the market than its competitors businesses.
Tesla went to Westingouse saying: "The benefits that will accrue to society from my polyphase system of alternating current for me is more important than money that will come in my pocket. Mr. Westinghouse, you will save your company so you can develop my inventions . Here's your contract and here is mine, tearing them into pieces and no more problems with my royalties "(13).
There is no doubt that Tesla was a man true to himself: he has always said that the aim of science was the improvement of humanity. This episode shows how he believed that the development, the development of material conditions (and psychological) of Man was the goal that the scientist had to achieve at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their own personal gain.
With its gesture Westinghouse could stay in business and become rich. Tesla on the contrary, no. He preferred that others get rich, then reach economic success and that all mankind, and then enjoyed the benefits of his inventions.
Shy by selfish and personal success, he was happy to pass on their success to others. Tesla is perhaps one of the first who understood what that meant, the word "Success."
Each of us has tended towards the future, personal success, restricted and closed. Tesla on the other hand, understood that success was not only that but it was more: the sharing and transfer of its results and achievements to others, to the outside world. About the purposes for which the man of science should seek to achieve, said: "The man of science does not aim at an immediate result. He did not bee that suggestions would be readily accepted. (...) His duty is to lay down the basic principles those intended to come later and point the way "(14). And this has often happened in the life of Tesla because he pioneered in the creation of important innovations, scientists have become the most famous him. Let's see how this could happen.
Tesla claimed to exist in nature, fields of energy, "free energy" which he called ether. And through the ether, could be transmitted, for example, other forms of energy.
The belief in the universe of inexhaustible energy and powerful arose in him in childhood, when playing snowballs with the other boys, had seen an avalanche.
He was convinced that the landslide was caused by a simple snowball and that was enough to have a small impact of the avalanche phenomenon, with its consequences. He then deduced that there was an energy stored in the cosmos which, if suitably exploited, could enable the use of human technology (15).
In May 1899, he went to Colorado Springs where he installed a laboratory.
He believed possible, in fact, thanks to this "well of inexhaustible energy," the air, transmit electricity to remote locations without the need to run electrical wires, and then the power lines.
In particular, he discovered that the Earth, or rather the earth's crust, was a very good conductor of electricity, since a lightning strikes the ground, it creates waves of energy moving from one side of the earth to another . He
installed in your laboratory huge coil was designed to send electrical impulses into the ground, so as to allow the transfer of electricity to light bulbs placed at a considerable distance.
According to the sources used in our work, there is no actual evidence that Tesla managed to transmit electricity over long distances. The fact is that he later changed his approach to implement the transmission of electricity without wires.
He argued that the area of \u200b\u200bEarth's atmosphere located 80 km from the ground, called the ionosphere, was highly conductive, and could thus be used to deliver electricity to long distances. But it was necessary to solve the problem of how to send electrical signals to such an altitude (16). The interior
laboratory at Pikes Peak, Colorado. The flashes you see are created by the coil.
Returning to New York, Tesla wrote an article on the futuristic breath Century Magazine, saying the ability to capture the energy of the sun and offering a "global communications" useful for communicating by telephone, broadcast news, music, performance equities, military or private information without the need once again to appeal to the wires.
The article caught the attention of another era tycoon, JP Morgan, which offered a grant of $ 150,000, eisiguo to build such a station transmitter.
Tesla began immediately to work, to build a tower high in the cliffs of Wanderclyffe, Long Island, New York.
Wanderclyffe The Tower was just a development of ideas gained from Tesla in Colorado Springs.
The tower consisted of a wooden structure and was planted in the ground through the "tubes" of iron, conductors of electricity. At its summit was a steel ball. As the Wanderclyffe Tower was based on the principle of radio, the aim was to achieve that primarily Tesla wanted to transmit electricity without wires, a goal that our scientist is exposed to Morgan. And this was a fatal error (17).
On December 12, 1901 the world was shocked by the news sensational: Guglielmo Marconi had transmitted the letter "S" across the ocean from a location in Cornwall this information was sent to Newfoundland in America (18). Morgan, annoyed, rititirĂ² financial support to Tesla. The Tower
The tycoon was now annoyed by the idea of \u200b\u200b"free energy", so it can be traded.
Once again, the economic interests that are the paymasters wanted to pursue the goal that frustrated the Croatian scientist wanted to pursue: the technological evolution and in the final essence, the welfare of humanity.
What was Nikola Tesla was at heart the peace and happiness the whole man.
This was the objective that Tesla was always made to pursue his work as a true scientist: a small space occupied in his mind the benefit and economic benefit.
But his ideal collided into his life with the prevalence of financial interests and has paid his first this attitude, as if it had not concluded the contract with Westinghouse, he could have practical response to their findings, such as Wanderclyffe Tower, preventing others to achieve personal success in place, including economic.
He was truly a man of disinterested science, because his mind was engaged only in the process of scientific innovation, mind was completely uninterested in the production of his discoveries.
This left him indifferent, he preferred to leave it to others.
A source used in our work, Tesla claims that in a few moments of his life he opened his own workshop in Marconi, of providing useful information, which are being developed and implemented by the Italian scientist (19).
At the news of signal transmission by Marconi, reacted by saying that the Italian scientist had used 17 of its patents (20).
Yes, Nikola Tesla was consistent with its idea of \u200b\u200bMen of Science: "His duty is to lay down basic principles for those intended to come later and point the way." Not seems rash to claim that it was Tesla, however, who first worked with the electromagnetic radio waves. Moreover there are patents, patents, what they feel. (U.S. patents # # 645.76 and 649.621) (21).
And just relying on those patents that our Man of Science resorted to legal proceedings to protect their rights. Unfortunately, the original ruling in 1915 did not recognize such rights (22).
Only in June 1943, five months after his death, the U.S. Supreme Court in its decision (case 369, June 21, 1943) recognized that Tesla had invented the first radio.
Even today, it is recognized more in Marconi this invention, because these first sent a signal across the Atlantic (23). But if
Marconi succeeded in achieving this success is thanks to the discoveries previously implemented by Tesla.
And not only with regard to the radio.
We said that Tesla also gave its contribution in relation to the invention of radar.
beginning of World War I, Tesla hypothesized a mechanism for identifying vessels by sending signals that consisted of high-frequency radio waves.
The concept behind this idea is to signicare a particular device: the radar. It was his
Marchese Guglielmo Marconi to develop this concept by implementing this idea and setting out, in reality, the basis for the construction of radar.
In 1934 Marconi built the telegraphic connection between the Electra (her laboratory located on a vehicle vessel) and the radio beacon in Sestri Levante, later, in 1935 he made a sighting experiences on the Via Aurelia (24).
Ironically, Tesla in his path in life, met many times Guglielmo Marconi. In 1912, Tesla was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Physics. He refused for not having received in 1909, instead of Marconi (25).
In 1915, again, Tesla refused the Nobel Prize, and was aware that he should share it with Edison. Both did not receive this honor (26).
Once again Tesla shows and shy away from honors, from the success, leaving the achievement of all the others. The scientist also claimed
Croatian, not to estimate Edison a scientist in the strict sense given his working method. He said in this regard: "If Edison had to find a needle in a haystack, he would proceed with the meticulousness of a bee to examine straw for straw until he found the object of his search" (27).
seems obvious that Tesla criticized the excessive use of Edison in continuous and expensive attempts, plans, models, when he, in contrast, projects and efforts made in the context of his mind.
seems plausible to believe that Tesla would not share with Edison Nobel Prize also given me the "joke" of bad taste by Tom Edison wrung its first year.
Ironically again, in 1917 he was awarded for his contribution to scientific knowledge, an honor named, incidentally, to Edison, the Edison Medal, which he accepted.
past the middle age, Tesla, despite its innovative discoveries, was short of money by moving from one cheap hotel to another, passing the days waiting to feed pigeons and some other tycoon, eager to get rich its spending, finance the construction of its projects.
There are no precise information on the exact date of his death.
is supposed to be dead January 7, 1943, at the age of 86.
Tesla lived alone in a hotel room. His lifeless body was found the next day.
More than 2000 people attended his funeral in Manhattan. So, this old man, after a long life dedicated to the evolution of science and the welfare of humanity, died alone, poor and almost forgotten.
Just months after his death, the Federal Supreme Court recognized the paternity of the radio. Once again his life is consistent with what he wrote or said, "Let the future tell the truth, and judge each according to his work and objectives" (28).
Based on what we have said and shown, judge you who read well.
1 - Statement by Nikola Tesla which opens his autobiography, to be found on the Internet at
2 - Autobiography quoted, pp.3-4
3 - Even if another source used in our work argues that Tesla never saw the completion of the studies because they had allowed themselves to be ensnared by gambling, see http: / /
4 - Autobiography above, p 4, the same information is also available in
5 - Autobiography cited above, p.4.
6 - .
7 - Information found on the site p 6.
8 - See http:// biographical sites, p3, http:// www. / nikolatesla.htm, p. 1
9 - http://, p.2.
10 - Michael Pupin, From Immigrant to Inventor, Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, pages 285-286.
11 -, p3,, p2.
12 -, p 3.
13 - See O 'Neill, Prodigal Genius: the Life of Nikola Tesla, Brotherhood of Life Inc., 1996, Albuquerque, NM. The list of chapters of this biography is available online at Clicking on links that lead to the titles of chapters you can read the individual chapters of the biography. The episode is mentioned in paragraph 5 of Chapter I, available at
14 - Citations are in , pp 4-6.
15 - See also article by Tress, and tachyon field dowsing: the hypothesis of identification bearing radiesthesic Galliani's book, tachyon field, New Techniques, 1999 pp 105-106.
16 - http://www.pbs.org7tesla/ll/ll_colspr.html
17 -, pp. 1-2, pp.1-2. For a review of the said Articles of the time, http:// / nikolatesla.htm, pp 4 ff.
18 - p 1,, p 4.
19 -, p 4.
20 -
21 - Jwwagner/ntes-p2.html. For a complete overview of Tesla's patents and discoveries, we recommend printing this autobiographical Nikola Tesla The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, Unlimites Adventures Press, 1993, Kempton, Illinois
22 - News found fragmented site http:/ / / tesla.html, p 2.
23 -, Jwwagner/ntes-p2.html, teslapage2.html.
24 -
25 -
26 - http://www. / nikolatesla.htm , P 2,
27 -, p. 3.
28 -, p 4.
article: / eng / tesla.htm
Nikola Tesla, a scientist from which it takes as the unit of measurement of electromagnetic fields (such as those generated by the antennas for transmission radiotelesive and those for mobile communications), with its studies tasmettere created a system for the boundless energy is naturally present in the ether, and at any distance without using wires to connect.
Today we know that wireless technologies (he was the discoverer) are on the agenda, but in his time thought he was crazy.
Marconi used 17 of its patents to build the radio, whose paternity was attributed to Tesla a few months after his death.
three times refused the Nobel prize. Now its patents as property of General Electric, the American multinational energy, which obviously has no intention of allowing the development of any technology can make free humanity from bondage in respect of electricity companies, which have indebted the world with promises of development plans also proved to be of political / economic. (In this regard, see the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit " by John Perkins )
"They called me crazy in 1896 when I announced the discovery of cosmic rays. Repeatedly made fun of me and then, years later, they saw that I was right.
Now suppose that history will repeat itself when I say that I have discovered a previously unknown source of energy, a 'boundless energy, which can be channeled. "
Nikola Tesla
"Science is nothing but a perversion if it has as its ultimate goal the improvement of conditions of 'humanity'.
Nikola Tesla
The story of Nikola Tesla told by Lino D'Amore
[DA: / eng / tesla.htm ]
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A forgotten genius in Italy: Nikola Tesla
"The progressive development of mankind depends on the inventions. They are the most important result of the creative faculties of the human brain. The ultimate goal of these faculties is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the achievement of the possibility to channel the forces of nature so as to meet human needs "(1). Nikola Tesla
So opens the first chapter of his autobiography, a volume catalog of dusty outside, bought for little money in a used book store located overseas.
Yes, it seems that this book was a "stock fund", dealing with someone not so important.
shame that this "someone not so important" should be many inventions that we all use in everyday life, just because this man must be almost forgotten the basics of many discoveries, developed by other scientists, such as radio or radar. At best, his name is connected to the unit of measurement of electromagnetic induction, that the electromagnetic fields generated by antennas for transmission radiotelesive and those for mobile communications.
We want at least a little, throw the beam of a spotlight on this forgotten scientist wrongly, because what we want to emphasize is that what he has always been, to use his words, "at the service of mankind", not interested personal success.
Nikola Tesla was born in the night between 9 and July 10, 1856 at Smilijan. His father, Milutin Tesla of Serbian origin, was a minister of Orthodox worship. His mother, Duka Mandic, a skilled seamstress, was educated a woman is not (had not gone to school to look after their brothers and sisters after the disease had blinded the mother), but was equipped with prodigious memory. Tesla has always reminded that his mother mentioned complete texts of the Bible and poetry, and claiming to have inherited many of her own abilities, not just a photographic memory but also other mental faculties as a remarkable inventiveness and industriousness. But she drew from her vegetable fibers of plants grown the thread used in embroidery and sewing (2).
After finishing his studies in physics and mathematics at the Technical University of Graz, Austria (3) (at the same time he began studying philosophy at the University of Prague), studying 19 hours a day and sleeping only two, we always felt forgotten scientist More strange phenomena dating back to childhood.
In the darkness he could feel the existence of objects "like a bat." Not only that.
It 's true that childhood SAW flashes of light caught her Vision of real objects, but at that time at the age of twenty-five years, the intensity of these flashes of light was not only increased, but even these flashes around him constantly.
His reaction to these phenomena consisted in the fact that a simple concept, expressed verbally, as was outlined in his mind an image that he saw and felt as if it were real.
But Tesla was not new to these experiences. Tesla himself, in his autobiography, states that in adolescence, when he was only at night, traveling in unknown and distant worlds, where he undertook further studies and take of conversations with individuals who seemed as real as the outside world (4). He mean that these phenomena have been simple hallucinations (5).
At the age of seventeen, as a result of these phenomena, he found he could create inventions in the depths of his psychological sphere of his mind, having the image in front of him made of the invention, being able to define any changes that had to be made without the use of drawings, sketches, models or experiments made in the outside world . To our surprise, this has always been the method of work of Tesla.
not seem to be so bold to claim that the Croatian scientist has come into contact with other worlds and other dimensions.
Many years later, in 1899, in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, its transmitter received a signal that is repeated continuously. He claimed to have received a message from space. He was ridiculed because of his discovery. He however, was the first man to discover radio waves from space (6).
In another source we used for this work is said that Nikola Tesla worked with the technology related to time travel. It is believed that the extent of his knowledge comes from other worlds (7).
In any case, it is precisely in this period when Nikola Tesla addresses these unique experiences, which he begins to have brilliant ideas in physics and began to devote himself body and soul to the principle of alternating current.
In 1881, while working as a draftsman and designer with the Engineering Department of the Central Telegraph Office begins to develop the concept of the rotating magnetic field that made the current AC, which remains an indispensable tool for the supply of electricity.
The following year, our scientists, more interested in the principle of alternating current, he moved to Paris, having been hired by the Continental Edison Company.
In 1883 he gives birth to the first AC induction motor, in effect, an alternating current generator (8). During the creation of the alternating current motor, Tesla was following a different method of work by other scientists of his time, giving proof of his extraordinary intellectual capacity.
It was not necessary for him to use plans, models or other hands-on experiments to achieve the optimum operation of his invention. In his mind he had very clear design of the AC motor. Where it was necessary to make changes to individual parts, these operations were carried out only in the living image of her that the scientist had discovered.
Only when he believed that his device was to design an optimal state, he gave to his office staff to proceed with the construction, giving them word for word the measures of each piece that makes up the engine. And, once built, the AC motor worked! (9)
In 1884, the young Tesla, eager to make known its findings, went to the United States, always to work on court of Edison.
Tesla expounded the concept of its discovery on the alternating current to the great Edison. However, it was a proud supporter of the technology on the current, and the ideas raised by the young Croatian scientists did not provoke any interest. Tesla
not lose heart and continued to work hard to Edison.
Although not too willingly accepted the assignment given to him by Edison to have modified the design of the generator, that is, generators, direct current. And we want to emphasize that his support for the production and distribution of AC was not motivated by selfish purposes of personal success.
The production and distribution of AC mean less cost (particularly the distribution covers more space) than the production and distribution of direct current.
Tesla was so tight to see established their own discoveries and inventions, but because these were intended to "make a better life," to help improve the human condition.
Unfortunately, in this first time, prevailed over the use and interest in the current, not only because Edison had a strong following in the scientific world, but also because the great magnates of the time had so far invested and financed technology on the direct current (10).
Not only at this stage, Tesla saw not only rejected their ideas and innovations, but it suffered from a joke by that Edison's work for modified generators direct current, Tesla was promised a salary of $ 50,000. Once you have completed your task, he found himself rejected his claim by Edison with a satirical of dubious taste.
Our sources maintain that Tesla Edison dismissed with the phrase "Tesla, you do not understand our American humor," arguing that in practice the reward promised was just a joke.
does not seem too difficult to understand why our Men of Science left the Edison Company (11).
Meanwhile, always following his method, Tesla came to another of his brilliant discoveries, the Tesla coil, a high frequency transformer, which is an indispensable tool for the transmission, and therefore the supply to homes and industries, the alternating current (12).
In May 1885, Westinghouse magnate bought Tesla's patents relating especially to the AC motor and the coil. So to create the Westinghouse Electric Company.
Under a contract between Westinghouse, Tesla would have received the highest fees, in particular a million dollars for patents and royalties. However, if Westinghouse had then paid those amounts, the Westinghouse Electric Company would have incurred the costs too high and would be in difficulties on the market than its competitors businesses.
Tesla went to Westingouse saying: "The benefits that will accrue to society from my polyphase system of alternating current for me is more important than money that will come in my pocket. Mr. Westinghouse, you will save your company so you can develop my inventions . Here's your contract and here is mine, tearing them into pieces and no more problems with my royalties "(13).
There is no doubt that Tesla was a man true to himself: he has always said that the aim of science was the improvement of humanity. This episode shows how he believed that the development, the development of material conditions (and psychological) of Man was the goal that the scientist had to achieve at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their own personal gain.
With its gesture Westinghouse could stay in business and become rich. Tesla on the contrary, no. He preferred that others get rich, then reach economic success and that all mankind, and then enjoyed the benefits of his inventions.
Shy by selfish and personal success, he was happy to pass on their success to others. Tesla is perhaps one of the first who understood what that meant, the word "Success."
Each of us has tended towards the future, personal success, restricted and closed. Tesla on the other hand, understood that success was not only that but it was more: the sharing and transfer of its results and achievements to others, to the outside world. About the purposes for which the man of science should seek to achieve, said: "The man of science does not aim at an immediate result. He did not bee that suggestions would be readily accepted. (...) His duty is to lay down the basic principles those intended to come later and point the way "(14). And this has often happened in the life of Tesla because he pioneered in the creation of important innovations, scientists have become the most famous him. Let's see how this could happen.
Tesla claimed to exist in nature, fields of energy, "free energy" which he called ether. And through the ether, could be transmitted, for example, other forms of energy.
The belief in the universe of inexhaustible energy and powerful arose in him in childhood, when playing snowballs with the other boys, had seen an avalanche.
He was convinced that the landslide was caused by a simple snowball and that was enough to have a small impact of the avalanche phenomenon, with its consequences. He then deduced that there was an energy stored in the cosmos which, if suitably exploited, could enable the use of human technology (15).
In May 1899, he went to Colorado Springs where he installed a laboratory.
He believed possible, in fact, thanks to this "well of inexhaustible energy," the air, transmit electricity to remote locations without the need to run electrical wires, and then the power lines.
In particular, he discovered that the Earth, or rather the earth's crust, was a very good conductor of electricity, since a lightning strikes the ground, it creates waves of energy moving from one side of the earth to another . He
installed in your laboratory huge coil was designed to send electrical impulses into the ground, so as to allow the transfer of electricity to light bulbs placed at a considerable distance.
According to the sources used in our work, there is no actual evidence that Tesla managed to transmit electricity over long distances. The fact is that he later changed his approach to implement the transmission of electricity without wires.
He argued that the area of \u200b\u200bEarth's atmosphere located 80 km from the ground, called the ionosphere, was highly conductive, and could thus be used to deliver electricity to long distances. But it was necessary to solve the problem of how to send electrical signals to such an altitude (16). The interior
laboratory at Pikes Peak, Colorado. The flashes you see are created by the coil.
Returning to New York, Tesla wrote an article on the futuristic breath Century Magazine, saying the ability to capture the energy of the sun and offering a "global communications" useful for communicating by telephone, broadcast news, music, performance equities, military or private information without the need once again to appeal to the wires.
The article caught the attention of another era tycoon, JP Morgan, which offered a grant of $ 150,000, eisiguo to build such a station transmitter.
Tesla began immediately to work, to build a tower high in the cliffs of Wanderclyffe, Long Island, New York.
Wanderclyffe The Tower was just a development of ideas gained from Tesla in Colorado Springs.
The tower consisted of a wooden structure and was planted in the ground through the "tubes" of iron, conductors of electricity. At its summit was a steel ball. As the Wanderclyffe Tower was based on the principle of radio, the aim was to achieve that primarily Tesla wanted to transmit electricity without wires, a goal that our scientist is exposed to Morgan. And this was a fatal error (17).
On December 12, 1901 the world was shocked by the news sensational: Guglielmo Marconi had transmitted the letter "S" across the ocean from a location in Cornwall this information was sent to Newfoundland in America (18). Morgan, annoyed, rititirĂ² financial support to Tesla. The Tower
The tycoon was now annoyed by the idea of \u200b\u200b"free energy", so it can be traded.
Once again, the economic interests that are the paymasters wanted to pursue the goal that frustrated the Croatian scientist wanted to pursue: the technological evolution and in the final essence, the welfare of humanity.
What was Nikola Tesla was at heart the peace and happiness the whole man.
This was the objective that Tesla was always made to pursue his work as a true scientist: a small space occupied in his mind the benefit and economic benefit.
But his ideal collided into his life with the prevalence of financial interests and has paid his first this attitude, as if it had not concluded the contract with Westinghouse, he could have practical response to their findings, such as Wanderclyffe Tower, preventing others to achieve personal success in place, including economic.
He was truly a man of disinterested science, because his mind was engaged only in the process of scientific innovation, mind was completely uninterested in the production of his discoveries.
This left him indifferent, he preferred to leave it to others.
A source used in our work, Tesla claims that in a few moments of his life he opened his own workshop in Marconi, of providing useful information, which are being developed and implemented by the Italian scientist (19).
At the news of signal transmission by Marconi, reacted by saying that the Italian scientist had used 17 of its patents (20).
Yes, Nikola Tesla was consistent with its idea of \u200b\u200bMen of Science: "His duty is to lay down basic principles for those intended to come later and point the way." Not seems rash to claim that it was Tesla, however, who first worked with the electromagnetic radio waves. Moreover there are patents, patents, what they feel. (U.S. patents # # 645.76 and 649.621) (21).
And just relying on those patents that our Man of Science resorted to legal proceedings to protect their rights. Unfortunately, the original ruling in 1915 did not recognize such rights (22).
Only in June 1943, five months after his death, the U.S. Supreme Court in its decision (case 369, June 21, 1943) recognized that Tesla had invented the first radio.
Even today, it is recognized more in Marconi this invention, because these first sent a signal across the Atlantic (23). But if
Marconi succeeded in achieving this success is thanks to the discoveries previously implemented by Tesla.
And not only with regard to the radio.
We said that Tesla also gave its contribution in relation to the invention of radar.
beginning of World War I, Tesla hypothesized a mechanism for identifying vessels by sending signals that consisted of high-frequency radio waves.
The concept behind this idea is to signicare a particular device: the radar. It was his
Marchese Guglielmo Marconi to develop this concept by implementing this idea and setting out, in reality, the basis for the construction of radar.
In 1934 Marconi built the telegraphic connection between the Electra (her laboratory located on a vehicle vessel) and the radio beacon in Sestri Levante, later, in 1935 he made a sighting experiences on the Via Aurelia (24).
Ironically, Tesla in his path in life, met many times Guglielmo Marconi. In 1912, Tesla was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Physics. He refused for not having received in 1909, instead of Marconi (25).
In 1915, again, Tesla refused the Nobel Prize, and was aware that he should share it with Edison. Both did not receive this honor (26).
Once again Tesla shows and shy away from honors, from the success, leaving the achievement of all the others. The scientist also claimed
Croatian, not to estimate Edison a scientist in the strict sense given his working method. He said in this regard: "If Edison had to find a needle in a haystack, he would proceed with the meticulousness of a bee to examine straw for straw until he found the object of his search" (27).
seems obvious that Tesla criticized the excessive use of Edison in continuous and expensive attempts, plans, models, when he, in contrast, projects and efforts made in the context of his mind.
seems plausible to believe that Tesla would not share with Edison Nobel Prize also given me the "joke" of bad taste by Tom Edison wrung its first year.
Ironically again, in 1917 he was awarded for his contribution to scientific knowledge, an honor named, incidentally, to Edison, the Edison Medal, which he accepted.
past the middle age, Tesla, despite its innovative discoveries, was short of money by moving from one cheap hotel to another, passing the days waiting to feed pigeons and some other tycoon, eager to get rich its spending, finance the construction of its projects.
There are no precise information on the exact date of his death.
is supposed to be dead January 7, 1943, at the age of 86.
Tesla lived alone in a hotel room. His lifeless body was found the next day.
More than 2000 people attended his funeral in Manhattan. So, this old man, after a long life dedicated to the evolution of science and the welfare of humanity, died alone, poor and almost forgotten.
Just months after his death, the Federal Supreme Court recognized the paternity of the radio. Once again his life is consistent with what he wrote or said, "Let the future tell the truth, and judge each according to his work and objectives" (28).
Based on what we have said and shown, judge you who read well.
1 - Statement by Nikola Tesla which opens his autobiography, to be found on the Internet at
2 - Autobiography quoted, pp.3-4
3 - Even if another source used in our work argues that Tesla never saw the completion of the studies because they had allowed themselves to be ensnared by gambling, see http: / /
4 - Autobiography above, p 4, the same information is also available in
5 - Autobiography cited above, p.4.
6 - .
7 - Information found on the site p 6.
8 - See http:// biographical sites, p3, http:// www. / nikolatesla.htm, p. 1
9 - http://, p.2.
10 - Michael Pupin, From Immigrant to Inventor, Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, pages 285-286.
11 -, p3,, p2.
12 -, p 3.
13 - See O 'Neill, Prodigal Genius: the Life of Nikola Tesla, Brotherhood of Life Inc., 1996, Albuquerque, NM. The list of chapters of this biography is available online at Clicking on links that lead to the titles of chapters you can read the individual chapters of the biography. The episode is mentioned in paragraph 5 of Chapter I, available at
14 - Citations are in , pp 4-6.
15 - See also article by Tress, and tachyon field dowsing: the hypothesis of identification bearing radiesthesic Galliani's book, tachyon field, New Techniques, 1999 pp 105-106.
16 - http://www.pbs.org7tesla/ll/ll_colspr.html
17 -, pp. 1-2, pp.1-2. For a review of the said Articles of the time, http:// / nikolatesla.htm, pp 4 ff.
18 - p 1,, p 4.
19 -, p 4.
20 -
21 - Jwwagner/ntes-p2.html. For a complete overview of Tesla's patents and discoveries, we recommend printing this autobiographical Nikola Tesla The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, Unlimites Adventures Press, 1993, Kempton, Illinois
22 - News found fragmented site http:/ / / tesla.html, p 2.
23 -, Jwwagner/ntes-p2.html, teslapage2.html.
24 -
25 -
26 - http://www. / nikolatesla.htm , P 2,
27 -, p. 3.
28 -, p 4.
article: / eng / tesla.htm
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sample Letter Welcoming Visitors At Church
Mother Empty
of Massimo Teodorani
Is not empty the womb in which we manifest, to fall Then, in empty stomach in the world, constantly giving birth to all forms, including the form the world itself? "In order to empty houses, and the order comes the conscience." E 'in this way is explained astrophysicist Massimo Teodorani.
Where are all those derived from quantum mechanisms can determine consistency and synchronicity? It appears to have originated in space, or to be precise in that "empty subquantistico" mentioned by the Hungarian physicist and philosopher Erwin Laszlo. The vacuum would be the master of all reality from which the universe was born as a quantum fluctuation. The vacuum is not really empty but it is a ferment of particles, as was proven by a leading Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir experiment (a pupil and friend of Wolfgang Pauli), which proved the existence of so-called "zero-point energy." It seems that the vacuum can be stimulated and that there Alberghino indissoluble unity both mind and matter in the universe: to stimulate this gap - which in essence represents the "prana" of the East - is to become architects of the process of creating the same way a sculptor shapes clay. It 's the kingdom where those who are born, or the elementary particles and each particle and a living being is connected. It would also be the matrix of consciousness of the universe, while the storage memory of everything that happens, happened or will happen. In other words felt like the mythical kingdom of Akasha are talking about the Eastern civilizations for millennia. Some scientists have gone from empty to find the concept of synchronous interconnection and unity in everything. Other scientists, such as the quantum physicist David Bohm have come to the so-called "implicate order" to describe this abstract realm that lies at the basis of all known matter, and which constitutes its consciousness. The physical Marco Todeschini recovering and reworking an old Cartesian view of the Universe has called this realm as "ether" as the quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli with the psychologist Carl Jung's deep these bases are placed in the "collective unconscious". There is good reason to believe that the collective unconscious, air, vacuum, implicate order and Akasha represent different ways to appoint exactly the same concept that is the matrix unit and synchronicity of the Universe.
The so-called "implicate order", the source that gives rise to the quantum potential, is not an exclusive creation born from the theories and assumptions of David Bohm, but may be reflected in another, perhaps more concrete deduction - this time both theoretical and experimental - of quantum mechanics. This is the so-called "zero point field, that immense ocean of energy continues to boil, also called" quantum foam "that the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir was able to discover his famous experiment in which two plates approaching at very small These were subjected to abnormal pressure. That pressure was caused by the energy of the vacuum, a vacuum obviously full of energy that generates fluctuations in the form of virtual particles, one of which may have created the universe itself. Indeed, the Bohm's understanding of physical reality ends up taking into account the concept of emptiness that is also considered by other approaches of physics, and which constitutes the central core of Eastern religions as "prana." For Bohm the space is not a giant vacuum through which matter moves, but the space in all its parts is as real as the matter moves through it. The space and matter are intimately interconnected. In fact, calculations made on that amount known as "Zero-point energy" suggest that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than all the known matter in the universe, while current models of theoretical physics and cosmology require the so-called "dark energy" comes directly from the void and constitute 73% of the energy produced by the universe. These results were not indifferent to Bohm, who found a link between this vast ocean of energy that seemingly empty and endless reign and he called hidden implicate order. The energy that flows mysteriously from the vacuum is a process of explanation that comes from a hidden world involved, hyper-dimensional in-time, home to the consciousness of the universe. So the world involved is the seat of creation and the holomovement is nothing but the process of creation. The processes of matter and energy explicate the world we live in and processes information from the world actively involved shows that these two worlds are inextricably linked. In this view consciousness itself, one that can penetrate even humanity in its most intimate essence through a distillation process of thought, is nothing but the pilot of the reality.
dialectically David Bohm has well demonstrated that physical reality is actually consistent with a radical reinterpretation of reality that goes far beyond the revolutionary new physics of the early twentieth century. The contemporary physicists can also ignore the work of Bohm (as many did), but can not escape its implications. Bohm's approach to science is aimed at the pursuit of truth, and in this light, the reformulation of the concept of "order" in physics, he has opened the epistemological foundations of science, using his deep insights to conceive of such a reality following a path that must be penetrated "ontological" which has its basis in the order involved and nell'olomovimento. In this view, what was called "epistemology", which is the study of what we know and how we know, is completely replaced by "ontology" which is precisely the study of what actually exists. This study is possible only if the thinker is blended with the same thought.
Certainly the most disturbing aspect of Bohm's thinking is that the implicate order is not only a hyper-dimensional reality that governs the material world but is the very seat of consciousness and all the phenomena associated with it. As the world involved is none other than the "inner life" of the universe directly interacting with the world of which we explicate seemingly passive observers, the physics of Bohm not only contemplates the existence of an inner awareness, an entity with intelligible new physics, but also an interaction direct and continuous interaction between this phase and the inner conscious universe, which is explicated in which we live. Certainly the implicate order recalls very much the 'collective unconscious "by Carl Jung, much of which can not be made manifest at the conscious level. For example, the archetypes can not be learned directly, but only in the form of symbols that appear in art, dreams, and in various cultures. It seems then that Bohm's work represents an effort to make intelligible and philosophically (in perspective) scientifically what Jung had sensed in his work as analytical psychologist, an effort that other means had also embarked on his colleague physicist Wolfgang Pauli, but that develops Bohm on a larger scale from the conceptual point of view. Bohm it is related to the thought of Jung:
"By extending the concept of total man, we see that every human being so inseparable part of society and the planet as a whole. What we can further suggest is that such participation is expressed in a greater collective mind, and perhaps eventually in some minds even more far-reaching in principle be able to go indefinitely beyond the human species as a whole. This may be correlated with some of the concepts proposed by Jung. "
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