Monday, May 4, 2009

Sample Letter Welcoming Visitors At Church

Mother Empty
of Massimo Teodorani

Is not empty the womb in which we manifest, to fall Then, in empty stomach in the world, constantly giving birth to all forms, including the form the world itself? "In order to empty houses, and the order comes the conscience." E 'in this way is explained astrophysicist Massimo Teodorani.

Where are all those derived from quantum mechanisms can determine consistency and synchronicity? It appears to have originated in space, or to be precise in that "empty subquantistico" mentioned by the Hungarian physicist and philosopher Erwin Laszlo. The vacuum would be the master of all reality from which the universe was born as a quantum fluctuation. The vacuum is not really empty but it is a ferment of particles, as was proven by a leading Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir experiment (a pupil and friend of Wolfgang Pauli), which proved the existence of so-called "zero-point energy." It seems that the vacuum can be stimulated and that there Alberghino indissoluble unity both mind and matter in the universe: to stimulate this gap - which in essence represents the "prana" of the East - is to become architects of the process of creating the same way a sculptor shapes clay. It 's the kingdom where those who are born, or the elementary particles and each particle and a living being is connected. It would also be the matrix of consciousness of the universe, while the storage memory of everything that happens, happened or will happen. In other words felt like the mythical kingdom of Akasha are talking about the Eastern civilizations for millennia. Some scientists have gone from empty to find the concept of synchronous interconnection and unity in everything. Other scientists, such as the quantum physicist David Bohm have come to the so-called "implicate order" to describe this abstract realm that lies at the basis of all known matter, and which constitutes its consciousness. The physical Marco Todeschini recovering and reworking an old Cartesian view of the Universe has called this realm as "ether" as the quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli with the psychologist Carl Jung's deep these bases are placed in the "collective unconscious". There is good reason to believe that the collective unconscious, air, vacuum, implicate order and Akasha represent different ways to appoint exactly the same concept that is the matrix unit and synchronicity of the Universe.

The so-called "implicate order", the source that gives rise to the quantum potential, is not an exclusive creation born from the theories and assumptions of David Bohm, but may be reflected in another, perhaps more concrete deduction - this time both theoretical and experimental - of quantum mechanics. This is the so-called "zero point field, that immense ocean of energy continues to boil, also called" quantum foam "that the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir was able to discover his famous experiment in which two plates approaching at very small These were subjected to abnormal pressure. That pressure was caused by the energy of the vacuum, a vacuum obviously full of energy that generates fluctuations in the form of virtual particles, one of which may have created the universe itself. Indeed, the Bohm's understanding of physical reality ends up taking into account the concept of emptiness that is also considered by other approaches of physics, and which constitutes the central core of Eastern religions as "prana." For Bohm the space is not a giant vacuum through which matter moves, but the space in all its parts is as real as the matter moves through it. The space and matter are intimately interconnected. In fact, calculations made on that amount known as "Zero-point energy" suggest that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than all the known matter in the universe, while current models of theoretical physics and cosmology require the so-called "dark energy" comes directly from the void and constitute 73% of the energy produced by the universe. These results were not indifferent to Bohm, who found a link between this vast ocean of energy that seemingly empty and endless reign and he called hidden implicate order. The energy that flows mysteriously from the vacuum is a process of explanation that comes from a hidden world involved, hyper-dimensional in-time, home to the consciousness of the universe. So the world involved is the seat of creation and the holomovement is nothing but the process of creation. The processes of matter and energy explicate the world we live in and processes information from the world actively involved shows that these two worlds are inextricably linked. In this view consciousness itself, one that can penetrate even humanity in its most intimate essence through a distillation process of thought, is nothing but the pilot of the reality.

dialectically David Bohm has well demonstrated that physical reality is actually consistent with a radical reinterpretation of reality that goes far beyond the revolutionary new physics of the early twentieth century. The contemporary physicists can also ignore the work of Bohm (as many did), but can not escape its implications. Bohm's approach to science is aimed at the pursuit of truth, and in this light, the reformulation of the concept of "order" in physics, he has opened the epistemological foundations of science, using his deep insights to conceive of such a reality following a path that must be penetrated "ontological" which has its basis in the order involved and nell'olomovimento. In this view, what was called "epistemology", which is the study of what we know and how we know, is completely replaced by "ontology" which is precisely the study of what actually exists. This study is possible only if the thinker is blended with the same thought.

Certainly the most disturbing aspect of Bohm's thinking is that the implicate order is not only a hyper-dimensional reality that governs the material world but is the very seat of consciousness and all the phenomena associated with it. As the world involved is none other than the "inner life" of the universe directly interacting with the world of which we explicate seemingly passive observers, the physics of Bohm not only contemplates the existence of an inner awareness, an entity with intelligible new physics, but also an interaction direct and continuous interaction between this phase and the inner conscious universe, which is explicated in which we live. Certainly the implicate order recalls very much the 'collective unconscious "by Carl Jung, much of which can not be made manifest at the conscious level. For example, the archetypes can not be learned directly, but only in the form of symbols that appear in art, dreams, and in various cultures. It seems then that Bohm's work represents an effort to make intelligible and philosophically (in perspective) scientifically what Jung had sensed in his work as analytical psychologist, an effort that other means had also embarked on his colleague physicist Wolfgang Pauli, but that develops Bohm on a larger scale from the conceptual point of view. Bohm it is related to the thought of Jung:

"By extending the concept of total man, we see that every human being so inseparable part of society and the planet as a whole. What we can further suggest is that such participation is expressed in a greater collective mind, and perhaps eventually in some minds even more far-reaching in principle be able to go indefinitely beyond the human species as a whole. This may be correlated with some of the concepts proposed by Jung. "

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