Monday, May 11, 2009

Flight Simulator X Air Brakes Button

There are, and we were in history, studies that science has ignored the official time or ignore it, because they consider their own fallibility and shows its limits, dictated primarily by an infinite ignorance on the part of every human being when he is faced with the infinite variety of things and events in the universe.

E 'therefore illusory feeling of modern man to be in control of reality in a wide range of sizes, because as far as he can dig in it, will never, by technological means, to explore the entire breadth of 'Universe.

Anyone who informs on the part of the studies conducted by some of the people mentioned below, you will conclude that there are indeed different phenomena to be explained require the use of imagination, rather than the calculator: why there are only theories in quantum physics, which border on the philosophical and psychological sphere, is treated on site:

Constellations archetypal

Faced with the crisis of energy resources and the environment, political systems, ideologies, religions , and at the same time assisting the new discoveries of science on display in the Tao of Physics by Fritjof Kapra, Bateson's systems theory, in Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Fields, oil Bohm, Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis and many other theories as many Nobel Prize winners, it seems more clear than ever the need for a new mode of investigation philosophical and scientific existential dimension. The Newtonian paradigm

/ Cartesian has long shown the limits and inadequate at the size of the invisible and is now more than ever desirable to develop a new philosophy and a new science, new tools of investigation where Soul / Psyche is not seen as the mere result of neurophysiological processes and / or delivered into the hands of a religious belief, but it is considered rather it should explore and in its original sense of the central and fundamental element of life and evolution.

continues on:


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