Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ikusa Otme Suvia Online

Gerson therapy, a natural method for treating cancer

Documentary Massimo Mazzucco (voice of M. Mazzucco)

Massimo Thanks for this wonderful documentary is not cynical nor sad, despite the difficult subject that you treated.

chapter of a documentary about cancer M. Mazzucco dedicated to the Gerson therapy.

Gerson Therapy is a nutritional therapy that Dr Max Gerson studied, the early twentieth century, for the healing of cancer and other diseases "incurable". The protocol of therapy, developed empirically, contains, in pharmacologically active doses, beneficial nutrients for the cancer patient.

Since 1922, when Dr. Gerson has begun to apply this therapy, thousands of patients have been saved.

Gerson noted that correcting disorders of the basal metabolic rate, allowing the development of chronic diseases, all body systems can be restored to proper functioning.

The course of some chronic diseases, including cancer, can be reversed. Dr. Gerson argues that cancer is a decisive change in the general clinical picture and not the local one.

The proposed treatment can be modified for the treatment of certain chronic non-malignant.

Dr. Gerson found that, in the twenties, when he began to fertilize the soil with chemicals, potassium vegetables and fruit decreased. The processes of food preservation to further modify the natural mineral balance. In fact, large amounts of sodium are added to preserve and flavor. Consequently reduces the body's reserves of potassium, which simultaneously is forced to eliminate substantial excess of sodium. Dr. Gerson said that this change in mineral metabolism is followed by changes in pH of cells which, in turn, act on the formation and reactivation of hormones, vitamins, and especially the different oxidizing enzyme systems. At this point he assumed that the cells 'abnormal' weakest exist in every organization, be the first to suffer and, in their struggle to survive, they change their metabolism, transforming it from oxidizing in fermentation. They survive by destroying the surrounding tissue with their toxic metabolic products and ended up killing the host body.

In order to help the body to acquire the minerals and vitamins he needs, in an easily digestible, are administered to patients large quantities of fruit juice and fresh organic vegetables.

are given fruit and vegetables, raw or cooked, and green salads biologiche.La first phase of treatment is detoxification. This is accomplished by giving patients a special past, prepared with fresh vegetables and herbs specific, that Hippocrates gave to cancer patients. This past helped to stimulate the elimination of toxins through the kidneys. They are also charged a large number of coffee enemas, even organic, because caffeine has the effect of opening the bile ducts that release large amounts of toxic material.

For the first six weeks are eliminated all animal protein to allow the pancreas, whose ability to decompose the protein is already shortened, groped to remove and digest the cancerous tissue.

juices also stimulate the liver and kidneys to eliminate toxins. It is also carried out a liver support therapy in the form of organic and inorganic iodide, large amounts of a combination of three potassium salts in 10% solution (acetate, gluconate and potassium phosphate), pancreatic enzymes and vitamin B3.

Treatment excludes all food products, canned, salted, pickled, bottled, frozen, fine. Also excluded are the stimulants of any kind and toxic substances such as hair dyes and medicines. They are also prohibited fats and fluorine and, temporarily, is also prohibited cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk and cream.

The percentage of healing among the patients of Dr. Gerson, almost exclusively of terminal cancer patients, and in any event, all with metastases, was higher than 40%.

In 1946, Dr. Gerson was invited to present its treatment before the U.S. Senate. It provides one hundred million dollars for cancer research. Unfortunately, the bill S. 1875 was defeated by 4 votes out of a total of 96 voters from the medical lobby supporter of the radiological and surgical approach and the press was prevented from meeting Gerson.

A boycott of this event followed fifty fierce, due to envy professional rivalry with academic and last but not least, the law of profit.

In the '90s, for grass-roots pressure, the Gerson therapy was validated and removed from the list of "unproven treatment" published by the American Association for Cancer.

It 'important to point out that the Gerson therapy provides better patient outcomes that have not been subjected to chemotherapy, which was introduced shortly before the death of Gerson. This treatment creates in fact damage irreversible immune system whose integrity is based on the success of this natural therapy. Recently, however, has developed a special protocol for patients weakened by previous therapy which has helped cure a good number.

On September 15, 1990, the journal Lancet published the results of an investigation carried out in a hospital gerson oncologists from the University of London. The conclusion was "It was unequivocally documented the regression of tumors."

Also in the 90s, more than thirty years after the death of Gerson, two other studies have been conducted very serious about his method. The

first study was published by Peter Lechner oncological surgeon of the hospital district of Graz, Austria. It reports the results of an experiment, which lasted six years, the Gerson therapy in 60 patients operated on for a wide range of cancers, several of them with liver metastases. Some of the patients undergoing Gerson therapy, though watered down by Lechner, and, moreover, in conjunction with orthodox methods (which is diametrically opposed to the fees of non-toxic therapy in question), are cured. All others, however, lived longer and better, and with fewer side effects than conventional treatments compared with the control group.

The second study is an analysis comparison between the Gerson therapy and conventional melanoma patients into two groups, one of the deadliest types of cancer. This study was published in September 1995 on the American medical journal "Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Vol, n.IV, with diagnosis confirmed by the Institute of Pathology of the U.S. Armed Forces. 100% of melanoma patients, stages I and II, treated with the Gerson therapy, arrived at the finish of the five-year survival, compared with 79% of the control group. For stages IIIA and IIIB, with local metastases, the group Gerson came to 70% at 5 years and the other target of only 41%. In the group of stage IVA sicker, with distant metastases, the milestone of five years was achieved by 39% of patients Gerson and only 6% of others.

Among the patients cured by therapy Gerson remember Mrs. Beata Bishop, a psychologist and designer for the BBC. The Bishop, in his book "A Time to Heal" (Penguin) describes his experience of ill cured with this natural method. He had to die in 1980 for a melanoma metastatizzat. Today, more than twenty-five years later, he travels the world teaching relaxation techniques to people with cancer and therapeutic and psychological doctors at risk of burnout.

More explanations on the processing can be found in the book "The Gerson Therapy" (20 €, 475 pp.) Written by Charlotte Gerson daughter of the famous physician and published by Macro Edizioni. This book is a revision and an expansion of the volume that Gerson published in 1958, a year before his death, entitled "A Cancer Therapy, Results of 50 Cases" (A treatment for cancer, results of 50 cases).

For more information, you can contact the Gerson Institute (1572 Second Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101,, founded by Charlotte Gerson. This institute disseminates books, articles, audio and video cassettes on therapy. It also organizes seminars for the public and medical courses. Doctors and naturopaths Europeans who know English and who would follow one of these courses, the Institute provides addresses and details. The Gerson Institute also book places in the hospital near San Diego where the method is practiced.

Margaret Straus, the grandson of Dr. Max Gerson, writes articles, he lectures and holds seminars on the work of his grandfather. It is also available for talks, especially telephone with patients. His e-mail for first contact is margaret.straus @

Life of Dr. Gerson is told in the form of a very gripping detective story, in The Dr. Max, written by Professor Giuliano Dego, husband of Margaret Straus.


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