What is Hamas? For a Science of the Soul
I decided to translate an article from judicial-inc.biz that helps to understand to what point the public is manipulated and deceived, here as in countries affected by war. I remember that the Jewish religion and Zionism (political movement for the creation of the state of Israel emerged in late 1800) are completely different things and independent, although many Jews have fallen into the trap of the Zionist corruption.
Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin, Co-Founder of Hamas
Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi the other Co-Founder
Hamas is an Israeli front
The focus of the Hamas leadership is directed by Shin Bet, which is an intelligence agency for internal affairs of the state of Israel. It is said that Hamas is funded by 'mysterious foreign entities'. In reality, the money comes from U.S. taxpayers, who finance covert intelligence operations between the groups in front of Israel in Jordan, Syria and Iran.
-Hamas was founded in 1987
Sheikh Yassin was the point man for Hamas. The association was founded as a charitable entity called Da'wah Hamas. He built an impressive infrastructure network for the social, educational, religious and cultural aspects of the Palestinian people, most of whom were poor refugees.
In the book "Devil's Game" author Robert Dreyfuss reveals how the U.S. looked the other way when Israel's secret service supported the creation of Hamas.
an old technique-Zionist ..
Zionists live by intrigue, and lead the opposition is one of their favorite tactics. They provide a service referred to someone in need, and this opens the door. In this case, Hamas has built hospitals and medical services. The Palestinians agreed to immediately
Hamas and never asked where he got the money.
-Hamas gives the pretext for the 'play of terror'
Israel could not massacre the Palestinians without having first received terrorist attacks. The rockets of Hamas, which occasionally fall into Israeli restaurants kill mainly immigrants, foreign workers and Israeli Arabs, but Israel cries to the world: "Hamas is killing the Jews."
-Restaurant Maxim is a typical case
A Arabic restaurant in Tel Aviv was hit by a sophisticated bomb. Although 90% of the wounded was not jew, the world was flooded with images of poor Jews killed by crazy Muslims.
-Where do you get your soldiers of fortune Hamas?
Snipers' s IDF often killing entire families, leaving alive only the eldest son, who is approached with proposals for revenge by Hamas.
-What 's the point?
The unofficial position is that the support of the CIA Israel to Hamas is a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), to be used as an alternative religious contestant.
-L 'Absurdity of It All
In July 2006, the Hamas militants who had kidnapped an Israeli soldier, tenerono a press conference in central Gaza. If they were true, the Shin Bet, or Yamas (IDF undercover teams), would be shot in one second.
The Israeli Yamas
services are operational counterintelligence who live among the Palestinians.
For more information about how the Zionist movement was born and why, I refer you to read the writings of Albert Pike found in 1925 in this link.
"... Albert Pike (1809-1891) was a lawyer, writer, soldier and especially Mason. Why call it into question? In 1871, Pike wrote a letter (later came to light in 1925) setting out clearly scenarios that would have had to check with the 3 world wars. Here are some excerpts of the letter (the ones on precisely the world wars )..." ( continues )
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